The Ghost and The Consort - Chapter 10 - shrutijinnie (2024)

Chapter Text

San's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing to grasp the enormity of what Yeosang had just said.

"Pregnant?" San repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yeosang nodded, his tears falling faster now.

San's heart ached at the sight of Yeosang's distress. He reached out, taking Yeosang's trembling hands in his own. "Yeosang, listen to me. We will get through this together. I promise you, I will protect you and our child."

Yeosang's eyes searched San's, filled with fear. "But what about your position? The palace? Your father?"

San squeezed his hands gently, determination in his eyes. "None of that matters more than you and our child. I will find a way to make this work, I swear it. You're not alone in this, Yeosang. We will face whatever comes together."

Yeosang's tears slowed, his gaze softening as he looked at San. "Thank you, San."

San leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Yeosang's forehead. " I love you, Yeosang. We'll figure this out, no matter what it takes."

Yeosang nodded, finding strength in San's words. "I love you too, San."

San embraced him, holding him close, vowing silently to protect the family they were now becoming.


"Are you not going back, my alpha?" Yeosang asked, gently shaking San awake. The first light of dawn was filtering through the small window, casting a soft glow over the room.

San stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he pulled Yeosang back into his arms. "It's already morning. The palace will go into a frenzy if they find that their crown prince is missing," Yeosang continued, worry evident in his voice.

San tightened his embrace, nuzzling into Yeosang's neck. "My father is not at the palace. He's on a trip to another kingdom. Hongjoong will handle my absence. I can stay here with you for a while longer."

Yeosang sighed, feeling a mix of relief and concern. "But, San, you have responsibilities. If anyone finds out—"

"Let me take care of you and our baby," San interrupted softly, his hand resting gently on Yeosang's small bump. "Nothing is more important than you two."

Yeosang placed his hand over San's, their fingers intertwining. "I still can't believe this is real," he whispered.

San kissed Yeosang's temple, a smile playing on his lips. "It's real. And it's the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to me."

Yeosang turned to look at him, his eyes glistening with tears. "I love you, San. I just want us to be safe and happy."

"We will be," San assured him. "I'll make sure of it. No matter what it takes."


"I don't think I can dance like this," whines Yeosang as San tries to teach him the ceremonial dance.

San laughs at Yeosang's whining. "But you have to learn this, Yeosang. After we are mated, we will have to perform this ceremonial dance in front of everyone in the palace."

"Ceremonial dance is boring, courtesan dance is fun," says Yeosang, giggling softly.

"You'll give all the royals and ministers a heart attack if you perform the courtesan dance there," says San, laughing.

Yeosang pouts, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe that's exactly what I should do. Shake things up a bit."

San shakes his head, still smiling. "I think my father would disown me on the spot if you did that."

"Well, maybe they'd appreciate something different for a change," Yeosang teases, attempting another step but tripping over his own feet.

San catches him easily, steadying him with a gentle touch. "Let's try it again, but slower this time."

Yeosang sighs dramatically but nods, focusing on San's instructions. San leads him through the steps once more, their movements gradually synchronizing.

"You know, you're not doing so bad," San encourages, his voice warm with affection.

"Now that I have learned the ceremonial dance, all we need is to convince the king to let us mate," says Yeosang with a laugh, but the hidden sadness in his eyes is evident.

San quickly hugs him, holding him tightly. "Don't worry. I'll convince everyone."


"You are doing good," says Seonghwa, who was teaching Yeosang how to crochet.

Yeosang smiled weakly, his fingers fumbling slightly with the yarn.

"Why are you even learning this? Your baby is going to be the heir of this kingdom. You don't need to crochet clothes for your baby," Seonghwa remarked, his tone light-hearted.

Hearing this statement made Yeosang slowly halt his hands. "I don't know when San will tell the king about me. And what if he doesn't accept us and our baby? I don't know why but my heart is telling me that something is going to go wrong," he whispered, his eyes downcast.

"Nothing will go wrong—" Before Seonghwa could speak more, a loud noise from the front of their establishment caught their attention.

"What is happening out there?" Yeosang asked, his voice tinged with anxiety.

"You sit here, I'll go and check," Seonghwa replied, his expression serious as he stood up and left the room to investigate.

Only after a few minutes did the door of Yeosang's room burst open. Seonghwa, panting heavily, rushed inside. "Yeosang, you need to run," he said, trying to control his breathing.

"What do you mean?" Yeosang asked, fear gripping his heart.

"Yeosang, palace guards are surrounding this entire place, and they are searching for you," Seonghwa revealed, his voice urgent.

Yeosang's eyes widened in terror. "Why? What do they want with me?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"I don't know, but you can't stay here. You need to hide," Seonghwa insisted, glancing around the room for a possible escape route.

Just then there were several knocks on the door. "Open the door," came the commanding voice of the guards standing outside.

Yeosang looked at Seonghwa with teary eyes. "I don't want to die, hyung," he cried, clutching his baby bump protectively.

Seeing Yeosang like this broke Seonghwa's heart. "Hyung will protect you," he said, determination steeling his voice.

The door burst open, and palace guards flooded into the room, their eyes locking onto Yeosang. "Catch him," one of the palace guards instructed the others.

Seonghwa sprang into action, placing himself between Yeosang and the advancing guards. "Leave him alone!" he shouted, his arms outstretched as if he could physically shield Yeosang from harm.

"Move aside," one guard barked, shoving Seonghwa roughly.

Seonghwa fought back, throwing punches and wrestling with the guards, but he was outnumbered and unarmed. A guard struck him hard, sending him crashing to the ground. Blood trickled from a cut on his forehead, but he struggled to rise again, desperate to protect Yeosang.

"Please, don't take him!" Seonghwa pleaded, his voice breaking as he tried to stand.

The guards ignored his pleas, their focus solely on Yeosang. Two of them grabbed Yeosang by the arms, dragging him towards the door.

"No! Let me go!" Yeosang screamed, kicking and struggling against their grip. His eyes were wide with terror, and tears streamed down his face. "San! San, help me!"

Seonghwa, still on the floor and bleeding, reached out weakly towards Yeosang. "Don't hurt him... please..." he begged, but his voice was faint.

One of the guards looked down at Seonghwa with disdain. "Stay out of this, or you'll regret it," he warned, delivering a swift kick to Seonghwa's ribs.

Yeosang's cries echoed through the room as the guards dragged him away. "Hyung! Hyung, help me!" he cried, his voice growing fainter as he was pulled farther from the room.

Seonghwa lay on the floor, clutching his side in pain, tears mingling with the blood on his face. "Yeosang... I'm so sorry..." he whispered, feeling utterly helpless as his best friend was taken away.


San was reading in his bedchamber when Hongjoong suddenly burst in, his face pale and eyes wide with urgency. "San," he gasped, "there's trouble in the palace." The words barely registered in San's mind. His heart pounded as he sprinted through the corridors, bare feet slapping against the cold marble floors.

As he reached the throne room, his vision blurred with tears. He could barely make out the small, frail figure surrounded by guards, kneeling before the king. It was Yeosang.

San's heart stopped, his breath catching in his throat. His feet dragged him forward, each step heavy with dread. Yeosang looked up, meeting his gaze with tear-filled eyes. His face was marred with bruises, a cut on the corner of his lips, and his clothes were torn, exposing his vulnerable skin.

"Yeosang," San whispered, his voice breaking with pain.

"San," Yeosang whispered back, managing a small, pained smile. Even in this moment of despair, he tried to reassure San.

San's gaze never wavered from Yeosang. He could see the fear and pain in his lover's eyes, the silent plea for help. Every bruise, every cut felt like a dagger to San's heart. He rushed forward, but the guards stepped in his way, blocking his path.

"Move aside," San demanded, his voice shaking with barely controlled rage.

"San," the king's voice echoed through the hall, cold and authoritative. "Do you know what this... courtesan is accused of?"

San's eyes never left Yeosang. "I don't care about the accusations. Let him go," he pleaded, desperation lacing his words.

The king's gaze hardened. "This is not just about you, San. This is about the honour of the royal family."

San felt a surge of anger and frustration. "Yeosang is carrying my child. Our child. If you care about honour, you will let him go."

A murmur ran through the assembled courtiers, shocked whispers filling the room.

San took advantage of the silence. "Father, please. He is not just a courtesan. He is the person I love. If you have any regard for me, for your future grandchild, you will show mercy."

The king's voice echoed through the hall, cold and authoritative. "He is not just a courtesan, you say?" His steps echoed in the throne room as he descended from his throne, approaching Yeosang with deliberate slowness.

San's eyes widened with horror and fury as his father, the king, reached Yeosang and fisted his hair, yanking his head upwards. "How many coins does it take to spread your legs for me?" the king sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Father," San warned, his voice reverberating through the hall, filled with rage.

The king's eyes flicked to San, a cruel smile playing on his lips. With a swift gesture, the guards surrounded San, holding his hands tightly, preventing him from moving.

"A whor* played you, and you think it's love," the king laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that filled the room.

Before San could react, the king struck Yeosang across the face, the force of the blow sending him sprawling to the ground. Yeosang gasped, struggling for breath, his head slamming against the cold marble floor.

"NO!" San screamed, struggling against the guards, his voice raw with desperation.

Yeosang tried to lift his head, blood trickling from his split lip, his vision swimming. The king stood over him, a look of satisfaction on his face as he glanced back at San. "This is what happens when you let a courtesan deceive you," he said coldly.

San's heart ached, watching Yeosang in pain. "You can't do this! He's carrying my child!"

The king's mocking smile twisted further as he processed San's desperate plea. "Your child?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Guards, hold this whor* down," he screamed, his command echoing through the throne room. "Let's see how many kicks it will take for him to lose the baby."

The guards moved swiftly, grabbing Yeosang and pinning him to the floor. Yeosang's screams filled the air, his voice raw with desperation and fear. "Please, have mercy!" he begged, tears streaming down his face as he struggled against the guards' iron grip.

The king's boot hovered menacingly over Yeosang, ready to strike. At that moment, San's resolve shattered. He dropped to his knees, his hands clutching his father's legs, his face pressed against the cold marble floor. "Father, I'll do anything you want," San cried, his voice breaking. "You want me to marry someone else, I'll do it. You want me to never see Yeosang again, I'll do that. But please, Father, I beg you. Please don't do this."

"Stand up," the king ordered, his voice cold and unyielding.

San rose slowly, his knees weak, his heart pounding in his chest. "You will always follow my orders, San, no matter what," the king said, his tone commanding and unrelenting.

"But we need to teach him and all the courtesans who dare to think they are anything more than whor*s a lesson, don't you think?" The king's gaze shifted back to Yeosang, a cruel glint in his eye.

San's mind raced, searching for a way to protect Yeosang. "Father, please," he implored again, desperation lacing his words. "If you must punish someone, punish me. It was my decision, my mistake."

The king paused, his expression thoughtful. "You want to take his place?" he asked, a sinister smile curling his lips. "Very well, San. Guards, release the whor*."

The guards let go of Yeosang, who lay trembling on the floor, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. The king stepped back, gesturing for San to step forward. "On your knees, crown prince," he commanded.

San complied, his heart heavy with dread but resolute in his determination to protect Yeosang. As he knelt, the king's boot swung forward, connecting with San's side with brutal force. Pain exploded through San's body, but he clenched his teeth, refusing to cry out.

"This is what happens when you defy me," the king said, his voice cold and merciless. "Let this be a lesson to you and to anyone who thinks they can challenge my authority."

Yeosang watched in horror, his heart breaking at the sight of San enduring such violence for his sake. "San," he whispered, tears streaming down his face.

San looked up, his vision blurred with pain but his resolve was unbroken. "I love you, Yeosang," he murmured, his voice a mere whisper. "No matter what happens, I will always love you."

The king's laughter echoed through the throne room, a chilling reminder of the power he wielded.

San's eyes widened in horror as his father, the king, delivered his verdict with chilling finality. "This courtesan will be beheaded at dawn," the king declared, his voice echoing through the vast throne room. "Let this serve as a reminder to all, of the consequences of defying the crown."

San's world shattered. His legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground, his body wracked with sobs. "Father, no!" he cried out, his voice breaking. "Please, I'm begging you, don't do this!"

Yeosang, kneeling nearby, trembled uncontrollably. His hands instinctively moved to cradle his baby bump, his eyes wide with fear and despair. "San," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "What will happen to our baby?"

The king remained unmoved, his gaze cold and unyielding. "This is the price of your defiance," he said, turning his back on his son and the love they shared.

San crawled to his father's feet, clutching at the hem of his robe. "Please, Father," he sobbed, his voice raw with desperation. "I'll do anything you ask. Punish me instead. Marry me off to whoever you choose. Just spare Yeosang and our child. Please."

The king looked down at San with a mixture of disdain and pity. "You speak of love, but all I see is weakness," he said, shaking his head. "You must learn that the crown comes before all else."

San's tears fell onto the cold marble floor, his body wracked with anguish. "Please," he begged again, his voice barely a whisper. "He's carrying your grandchild. Don't take him from me."

Yeosang's sobs grew louder, his fear for his unborn child overpowering his own terror. "Your Majesty," he pleaded, his voice trembling. "Please, show mercy. I'm just a courtesan, but this child... this child is part of your family."

The king's expression hardened further. "Guards," he commanded, "take him away."

The guards moved to seize Yeosang, who clung desperately to San. "No! Please, don't do this!" he cried, his voice breaking. "San, help me!"

San's heart broke at the sight of Yeosang being torn from his arms. "Father, please!" he screamed, his voice echoing through the throne room. "I'll do anything! Please, don't take him!"

But the king turned his back on them, his decision final. The guards dragged Yeosang away, his cries of terror and pleas for mercy fading as they disappeared down the corridor.


San’s bedchamber was in shambles, the remnants of his rage scattered across the room. Books, vases, and precious artifacts lay broken. The air was thick with the scent of despair, San's anguished screams echoing off the walls. He had spent hours pleading with his father, his knees raw from kneeling, his voice hoarse from begging for Yeosang's life. But his father’s decision was unyielding.

San’s breaths came in ragged gasps, tears blurring his vision as he tried to conceive a plan to save Yeosang. He couldn’t fathom a life without him. Every moment without Yeosang felt like an eternity of suffocating darkness. The thought of waking up in a world where Yeosang no longer existed was unbearable.

The door burst open, and Hongjoong stumbled in, his face pale and eyes red from crying. The guilt gnawed at him. He felt responsible for the impending tragedy. If only he had never taken San to the red-light district that night. If only he had never asked Yeosang to take him in. Everything might have been different. No one would be facing death.

"Have you figured out a plan to help Yeosang escape from the dungeon?" San demanded, his voice laced with frantic urgency. "We have to act fast. I’m thinking of sending Yeosang to my cousin. After things quiet down here, I'll run away and—"

"San," whispered Hongjoong, his voice trembling.

"What?" San barked, his anger barely contained.

"There is no chance of escape," Hongjoong admitted, tears streaming down his face.

"What are you saying?" San screamed, his eyes wild with fury.

"There's nothing we can do. The dungeon is heavily guarded. All the guards are loyal to the king. Even if we could somehow convince them to help, there's almost no way for Yeosang to escape the palace. They're everywhere. I'm sorry," Hongjoong said, his voice breaking with sorrow.

"No!" San screamed, his rage consuming him. "What do you mean there is nothing we can do? Am I supposed to watch the love of my life get beheaded in front of the whole kingdom at dawn?" He advanced on Hongjoong, his hands shaking with uncontrollable fury. In a blind rage, he grabbed Hongjoong by the neck, squeezing hard enough to cut off his breath.

"San, please!" Hongjoong choked out, his face turning red as he struggled for air.

San’s grip loosened, and he let go, causing Hongjoong to collapse to the floor, gasping for breath. Hongjoong's words echoed in San's mind, a haunting reminder of the hopelessness of their situation. He fell to his knees beside Hongjoong, his own sobs wracking his body.

"I can’t lose him, Hongjoong," San whispered, his voice raw with pain. "I can’t."

Hongjoong reached out, placing a hand on San's shoulder. "I know, San. I know."

San nodded weakly, his heart breaking as he realized the truth. There was no escape, no way to save Yeosang. The dawn was approaching, and with it, the inevitable end of everything he held dear.

San took a deep breath, his body trembling as he tried to control his sobs. "Hongjoong, I can't let him die so painfully," he said, his voice cracking with grief.

Hongjoong's eyes filled with tears. "I wish we could do something," he whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow.

San's expression hardened. "Hongjoong, get me a poison," he said, his voice suddenly emotionless.

"What do you mean?" Hongjoong asked, his eyes wide with shock and confusion. He searched San’s eyes for answers, hoping he had misunderstood.

"Arrange for me a poison, one that kills peacefully with no pain. I finally have a way to let Yeosang escape from this," San said, his voice firm and determined.


Yeosang trembled in one corner of the cold dungeon, his entire body aching from the brutal treatment he had endured. His hand wrapped protectively around his baby bump, trying to offer some semblance of comfort to the life growing inside him. The tears had dried on his face, leaving tracks on his cheeks, but the pain inside him felt as fresh and raw as ever. He was scared—terrified, even. He didn't want to die, and more than anything, he didn't want to rob his unborn child of a chance at life.

His mind raced, desperate and disoriented, unable to make sense of how things had spiralled out of control. How had it come to this? How had his dreams of a future with San turned into this nightmare? He remembered their tender moments, the secret meetings, the shared laughter and whispered promises. He just wanted to sleep and wake up in his small room again, in San's arms, safe and warm, as if none of this had ever happened.

But the reality of his situation was inescapable. In just a few hours, he was to be beheaded. The finality of it weighed heavily on him, each passing second bringing him closer to the end. The thought of San, who had risked so much for him, only added to his torment. He couldn't bear the idea of leaving San behind, of never seeing his face again, never feeling his touch, never hearing his voice whispering words of love.

Yeosang's thoughts turned to his baby, the innocent life that hadn't even begun to live. He felt a surge of anger and despair at the cruelty of it all. What kind of world was this, where love was punished so brutally? Where his child, who had done nothing wrong, was condemned before even taking its first breath?

In the darkness of the dungeon, Yeosang closed his eyes and whispered a prayer, not for himself, but for his child and for San. He prayed that somehow, against all odds, they would find a way to survive this. That San would find the strength to go on, even if he couldn't be there with him. And that his child, their child, would somehow be spared from the horrors of this world.

As the hours ticked by, Yeosang tried to hold on to the small flicker of hope that remained in his heart. It was fragile and faint, but it was all he had left. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the dungeon gates opening. He quickly got to his feet, feeling his heart clench at the sight of San standing before him. Despite the pain wracking his body, Yeosang threw himself into San's arms. The hug felt like everything Yeosang could ask for, a moment of solace in the midst of despair.

"San, did the king change his decision?" Yeosang asked quickly, his voice tinged with desperate hope.

"Why don't we sit first," San said softly.

Yeosang couldn't understand what was happening, but he trusted San more than anything. He slowly sat down on the cold dungeon floor, watching as a servant followed behind with a tray of food.

"You brought food?" Yeosang asked, puzzled.

"Yes, you must be hungry," San replied. The servant left them alone with the tray. San took a piece of food in his fingers, ready to feed Yeosang, but Yeosang stopped him by holding his arm.

"San, I don't want to eat. Tell me what is happening. Are they really going to kill me?" Yeosang's voice trembled, tears welling up in his eyes.

San kept his silence, his expression pained.

"San, I don't want to die," Yeosang said, his voice breaking as he trembled with fear.

"Yeosang," San said softly. "I am going to help you escape."

"Escape?" Yeosang repeated in a small voice, his confusion mingling with a flicker of hope.

"Yes, but first you need to eat something, so you can get enough energy, you know," San said, bringing his fingers close to Yeosang's lips. Although feeling a bit uneasy, Yeosang ate from San's fingers.

After swallowing, Yeosang asked, "You won't eat?"

"No. I am not hungry yet," San answered, tears falling from his eyes.

Yeosang noticed the sadness in San's eyes and felt a knot of dread tightening in his chest. "San, please tell me the truth. What's really happening?"

San swallowed a lump in his throat. He helped Yeosang eat everything, slowly and gently and then helped him lie down on the floor. San's arm acted as a pillow for Yeosang, holding him close in a tight embrace.

"My heart is just hurting, seeing all these bruises on you," San said softly.

"I am okay," Yeosang replied, trying to muster a small smile. "It doesn't hurt much. You are here now. I'll be okay."

San swallowed hard again, his heart breaking at Yeosang's attempt to be strong. "What is your next plan? Why are we not running away?" asked Yeosang, an uneasy expression on his face.

"We will soon," San said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Where will we go?" Yeosang asked.

"To a beautiful land. You will love it there. You will go first, and I'll join you soon," San said in a broken voice, pressing a gentle kiss to Yeosang's forehead.

Yeosang slowly registered what San said, and tears began to drip from his eyes. "I am afraid to go all alone," he whispered.

"I'll come join you soon. I promise," San replied, now crying as he saw Yeosang growing sleepier.

"Don't cry. I am okay. Our baby is okay," Yeosang whispered, trying to wipe San's tears, but he couldn't lift his hands. He felt his energy draining from his body.

Yeosang opened his eyes for the last time, trying to see San and memorize every feature, his scent, everything about him that he loved so much.

"When will I see you again?" Yeosang asked, his voice fading.

"You will see me when you open your eyes," San said, his voice breaking as he closed Yeosang's eyes for the final time. He collapsed beside Yeosang, wailing on the cold dungeon floor, his heart shattered beyond repair.

Waves of disbelief crashed over him, refusing to let the reality of Yeosang’s death sink in. He had known this moment was coming, and had prepared for it in the only way he could think of to spare Yeosang more suffering, but nothing could have prepared him for the actual heart-wrenching pain of holding Yeosang as he slipped away.

He pressed his forehead against Yeosang’s, feeling the coldness of his skin, so different from the warmth he had always known. The realization that he would never hear Yeosang’s soft laughter again, never see his eyes light up with joy, or feel the gentle touch of his hands was unbearable.

“Why?” he cried out, his voice echoing in the hollow dungeon. “Why did it have to be this way?!” His hands shook as he clutched Yeosang tighter, as if by sheer will he could bring him back. The weight of his own helplessness crushed him, the knowledge that he could do nothing to change what had happened.

Guilt consumed him. He had promised to protect Yeosang, to keep him safe, and yet here he was, lying next to him, unable to fulfil that promise. The poison had been his idea, a desperate attempt to give Yeosang a peaceful end, but now, in the aftermath, all he could feel was regret. What if there had been another way? What if he had fought harder, been smarter, and found some miracle to save him?

Anger surged through him, burning hot and fierce. He hated his father, the king, with every fibre of his being. The man who was supposed to lead with wisdom and compassion had instead shown nothing but cruelty and ruthlessness. San wanted to storm back into the throne room, to scream at his father, to make him feel the same pain that now tore through San’s soul. But he knew it was not the right time. He had to plan for the perfect revenge. He had to make sure that his father died painfully, slowly, and rotting away.

San buried his face in Yeosang’s neck, his tears soaking into the remnants of Yeosang’s clothes. “I’m so sorry, my love,” he whispered, his voice broken. “I’m so, so sorry.” He kissed Yeosang’s forehead, his cheeks, his lips, each touch a silent apology, a final goodbye.

"You need to leave, San," says Hongjoong, standing in front of them with tears in his eyes.

"I can't," says San, crying. "I can't leave him. He is so cold," he wails. Hours pass, and still, San can’t bring himself to leave Yeosang’s side.

"San, let go," says Hongjoong, forcefully trying to pull him away from Yeosang. "You need to go to your chamber before the king looks for you," says Hongjoong.

"I can't!" San keeps screaming as Hongjoong and other guards drag him away from the dungeon. His cries echo through the cold stone walls, each one a testament to the agony tearing his heart apart. "I can't leave him! Yeosang!" San's voice breaks, his resistance weakening with every step until he is finally pulled out of sight, leaving behind the cold, lifeless body of the one he loved more than anything.


The Ghost and The Consort - Chapter 10 - shrutijinnie (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.