The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1940 About Springfield People -7- Was Madeline Carroll Before Recent Wedding (Photo by Meyer) DRS HAROLD W. KEATING Mrs Harold W. Keating was before hers recent marriage 97 Miss Jackson Madeline street, Mary Carroll of Holyoke. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL will be married to Frederick William be withheld. plied.

Rey nolds Wedding Today The marriage of Miss Marjorie Adams Thomas, daughter of Mr and Mrs: Everett Thomas of Old Greenwich, and Charles Adson Reynolds. son: of Mr. and Mrs Charles Adson Reynolds of Longmeadow and Shelter Harbor, R. will take place this afternoon at 4.30 at the First! Congregational church, Old Greenwich. Miss Jane Fairclough of Plains, N.

and Mrs Stoddard Nelson of Greenwich, will be the honor attendants. Misses Madelaine White of Old Greenwich, Edna Valentine of Westfield, N. a cousin, Jane Reynolds of. Longmeadow, sister of the groom. and Jean Thomas of New York will be bridemaids.

Gordon Thomas, brother of the bride, will be best man. Winthrop Endicott of Worcester, George White of Greenwich, Lamont, Bidwell of Riedgelsville, Fritz Leinbach Jensen of Quakertown, Harold of Longmeadow, will usher. The wives entertained their husbands at a buffet supper last night at the home of Mrs Lindsey HI. Chilson of Norfolk street. The affair was in honor.

of Mr and Mrs Clement G. Ladd of the Central branch and Mr and Mrs Ray Larson of the West Springfield Community branch. Dr and Mr's Ladd will. leave soon for Williamsport, where Mr Ladd will assume new duties and Mr and Mrs Larson are going to New Rochelle. N.

where Mr Larson will Join the Y. M. C. A. staff.

During the afternoon the members held their opening meeting of the season. Wilhelmina Florence Rossing. daughter of Mr and Mrs Rudolph G. Rossing of Harlan street, and Lionel Leonard Desrosier, son of Mr and Drs Adelard Desrosier of Redlands street, will be married this morning at 3 at the rectory: of St. Thomas's church.

Miss Anita Desrosior, sister of the groom, and Rudolph G. Rossing, brother of the bride -elect, will be the attendants. 00 The marriage of Misd Marion Kelly, daughter of Gertrude Kelly of Franklin street. and Thomas Cavanaugh. son of Mrs Josephine Cavanaugh of Seventh street, will take place morning at Sacred Heart church.

this. Dorothy and John Cavanaugh will be the attendants. Miss Agnes Small Baird of 103 Federal street, this city, and Clarenco T. Jarrett of Worcester, yesterday filed marriage intentions with the city clerk at Worcester. Miss Edith Martin Siciliano.

daughter of Mr and Drs Domenick Siciliano of 33 Dwight road, will become the bride of Dello Cazavilan, son of Delio Cazavilan and, the late Mrs Marie Cazavilan, ceremony this morning at 9.30 at Mount Carmel church. The Kodimoh sisterhood will hold its first business meeting of the season Monday afternoon at at: the Kodimoh synagog vestry. Rabbi Isaac Klein will give 2 talk on current events and tea will be served by following past presidents, Mrs William Cohen, Mrs Barney Michelman, Mrs Harry Goodman, Mra A. E. Penn and Mrs Grace Glickman.

Mrs Harry Stein will preside. Miss M. Baker, daughter of Or and Airs James A. Baker of Center street. and Earl Howard Watson, son of Mr and Urs Edward Payson Watson of Alfred street, will be married this morning at 8 att the rectory of Holy Name church, Chicopec.

Mrs Miner Haskell of Bernardston, sister of the groom. will be matron of honor. and James F. Baker. brother of the bride, will.

serve as best man. The Wesley Woman's society for Christian Service will hold its charter meeting Wednesday afternoon at 1.15 at the parish house. A dessert luncheon will be served followed by an organization meeting at 2 at which officers will be elected. William F. Jones, son of Dr and Mrs Frederick D.

Jones of 130 Kimberly avenue, has returned for his second year at Manlius Military school, Manlius, N. The 72d year of the school begins today. A small dinner party was given for Miss licken Osborne Smith, daughter of: Mr and Drs James. P. Smith of Union street, at the Longmendow Country club last night.

Miss Smith will be married to Frederick William DIVORCE IS GRANTED MRS ETHEL TWOHIG Mrs. Virginia R. Baylie Also Given Decree- Testimony in Bolduc Case Heard A decree granting Drs Ethel L. Twohig of this city a divorce from John B. Twohiy and the right to resume maiden name of McIntosh was issued in probate court yesterday after a hearing before Judge Thomas H.

Stapleton. She charged cruel and abusive treatment. The parand separated on March. 2, 1910. Sol ties were married on June: 24.

a 1933, W. Weltman was attorney for the petitioner, and Atty Patrick E. Granfield represented the husband. Mrs Virginia Roberts Baylie of this city was granted a from Walter Raymond Daylie of Norristown. on grounds of cruel and abusive were married at Philadelphia, October 1905, and separated April 14, 1938.

Atty Stephen S. Taft appeared for the libellant. Judge Stapleton heard testimony yesterday afternoon on the petition of Mrs Ida Bolduc of Plainfield street for separate support from Sam Bolduc, truck driver, on the husband's petition asking that he be adjudged living apart. for justiflable cause. Atty Patrick E.

Granfeld appears for the husband, and Atty August J. Durati is for the wife. The hearing will be resumed Monday. chusetts State college; Clara B. Wool North, of Annette the T.

Rural Herr of New the Yorker: Massachusetts State college: Mary Driscoll Better Homes in America: Dr Hugh Baker of State college faculty: Dr' Marion Baldwin of the Hillshire farms: Eleanor Moscly Boston university: Miss Agnes Craig Longmeadow: Elsie Traube Edith: Mason, of Connecticut Agricultural college; Mrs Milton Danziger: Kathteen Robertson and Mary Davis Git. lies McCall's magazine; Georgia llaas of the Atlas Glass company. Airs Rufus Chapin D. of: Holyoke of West and Margaret Hamel Springfield. Special Dispatch to The Republican Berkshire Ilills, Sept.

20-Mrs Frederick Darlington of Great Barrington was honored today with a luncheon party given by Mrs Benjamin Durant Ticknor at her home in that town. Mrs D. Percy Morgan poured de at Gerg. a which Drs George B. dorff gave at Old Rectory, Stockbridge.

Mrs Sayre Starbuck has her son-inlaw and daughter, Mr and Drs Walter E. Bell of New York, 'as guests at Guilder Hollow cottage, South Egremont. Newcomers at Red Lion inn. Stockbridge, include Mrs Hamlin Hunt, Mrs F. Malcolm Farmer, Mrs Philip G.

Schermerhorn, Misses Leonie A. Freuslein and Bertha Pagenstecher and William Pagenstecher of New York. Following a summer at Martin inn. Stockbridge, Dr and Mrs William D. Scanion and family, went to Brooklyn, N.

Y. Drs Fisher Whitney of St3 Regis hotel. New York, is at Lennon inn, Stockbridge. She has taken for October. Mrs Nina L.

Duryca's cottage, the Mill, at Stockbridge. MRS DARLINGTON FETED AT GREAT BARRINGTON Mrs Benjamin D. Ticknor Gives Luncheon for Her Other Berkshire Doings VERDI CLUB WOMEN'S SUPPER TOMORROW A ravioli and spaghetti supper will be served by the Verdi auxiliary tomorrow night at the club hall beginning at 6. Miss Mary Barbleri, president. is honorary chairman of the for which tickets may be obtained" at the door.

Mrs Lucy Dolmolin is general chairman, and assisting her arc the following: Mrs Annetta DeSimone. Mrs Mary Casgrande. Mrs Mary Guistina. Mrs Angela Schiavina, Mrs Margaret Piaer, Mrs Joseph Baldanchini. Mra Carmella Piccoli.

Drs Mary Montanari. Mrs Mary Giordano. Mrs Marianna DeBonis, Mrs Lena Marchetti, Mrs Teresa Piccin, Mrs Itala Rovelli, Mrs Venvenuta De Fillippi. Drs Antonietta a Schiavina. Mra Ermelinda Dagradi and Miss Yolanda Mori.

The Springfield Teachers' club will have a steak roast Thursday afternoon at 5.15 at the Springfield college camp. Miss Evelyn Taylor. president, heads the committee on arrangements. THE WOMAN VOTER SPEAKS TODAY WBZA 12.10 Noon Also every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until election. HEAR I how Massachusetts women In all walks of life view National Politics.

Massachusetts Renuhlican State Committee Laward D. Warhusett Lawrence NUMBER TO ENTER WHEATON COLLEGE FROM THIS AREA Local, Holyoke and Amherst Girls Will Be Freshmen Sophom*ores, Others Returning This Week A number of students from this vicinity will enter Wheaton college at Norton this week. of a tentative enrolment of 168 students, 149 will represent this state. Others will come from 23 other states, the District of Columbia and six foregn countries. Freshmen will register Tuesday and upperclassmen the following day.

Tuesday there will be a luncheon for freshmen and their parents at Emerson hall. During the afternoon they will be received at Hebe court by Presidenteand Mrs J. Edgar Park, Dean Miriam F. Carpenter, Dean 1. Dorothy Littletield, Miss Barbara house follows and a faculty advisers.

Ziegler of the board of admission, the The freshman banquet Tuesday night at Emerson hall will be formal Returning to Wheaton Those from this vicipity either. entering Wheaton or returning as upperclassmen will include the following: Senior, Miss Frances D. Tur. ner, daughter of Mr and Mrs Hadley K. Turner of Southtield: juniors.

Miss Mary C. Higgins. daughter of Mr and Mrs Royal G. Higgins of 33 Ifarwich road, Longmeadow; Miss Norma L. Dickey, daughter of Mr: and Mrs Harold G.

Dickey of 73 Churchill ruad, West Springfield; Miss Betty L. Pierce, daughter of Dr and Mrs Abijah D. Pierce of 48 Madison circle, Greentield, Sophom*ores, Miss Sarah S. Dickinson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence S. Dickinson of 28 Fairview way, Amherst: Miss Jane Ewing, daughter of Mr and Drs Lawrence Ewing of 20 Highland avenue.

Greenfeld: Miss Hannah JA Michelman, daughter' of Dr and Mrs. Louis Michelman of 83 Raudolph street; Miss Barbara Watkins, daughter of Mr. and SIrs Thomas W. Watkins of 40 Main street. Shelburne Falls.

Freshmen. Miss Constance V. Moskal, daughter of Mr. and Drs John yoke; Miss Mary Ann 3 Williams, Moskal cal of Easthampton road, Holdaughter of Mr and Mrs Fay W. Williams of 162 Pearl street.

and Miss Charlotte A. Sherman, daughter of Prof and Mrs Li. Sherman of 135 Woodside avenue, Amherst. MRS STORROW HOSTESS AT MANSION LUNCHEON Women Journalists Are Guests at Exposition of Storrowton Founder country's leading women's magazines, Women editors from many of the executives in many branches of women's activities. newspaper women and Storrowton officials were guests yes.

terday ati luncheon given by Mrs James J. Storrow of Lincoln. founder of Storrowton. in P'otter mansion on the Eastern States exposition grounds Mrs Storrow presided and spoke briefly on features of the Exposition while Arg Schuyler Herron Introthe guests. The afternoon's program included a fashion show, tour of the grounds and -fashioned dancing.

Last night Drs Storrow's guests attended a box party at the following supper at the old Among the out-of-town guests were Harry King of Weston. who was in charge of building Storrowton, and Mrs King; J. E. Chandler of Boston. architect of Storrowton; Mrs Mary Reynolds, farm journal; Miss Edna Skinner, dean of women Massa- Attention! No more lifeless hair.

Why not try Our CREAM Permanent Special Regular This $7.50 Month: $5.00 LEO'S Beauty Shop 28; Bridne St. Dial 3-5830 HOW MANY KISSES Should A Wife Expect Before Breakfast? Listen to answers. of questions like this on radio's newest, funniest show. Tune, in on Haven McQuarrie "THE MARRIAGE CLUR" station WMAS 8 o'clock TONIGHT! Married couples parade before the "mike." answer humorous, intimate questions. Don't miss it.

TONIGHT: "I've switched to Fitz a GOOD glass ofale with that tangy, dry flavor that wins new friends daily Sitzgeralds PALE ALE EST. 1667 FITZGERALD BROS. BREWING CO. TROY, N. Y.

IN BOTTLES IN. CANS ON DRAUGHT Marriage intentions, were filed at City nail yesterday by the William Patrick Cahill of 57 Sur. geant street. machinist's helper, and Catherine Christen Moriarty. of 326 Central street, domestic.

Kenneth Armstrong MacDonald of 164 Wilbraham road, coordinator. and Barbara Emily Cornell of 15 Cedar street, at home. Felix Joseph Menard of 691 Dwight street, painter, and Katherine Elizabeth Cahill of 83 Bay street, at home. Fuller, son of Mira Frederick Willian Fuller of Mill street on the 2Sth. Springfield assembly, Order of RainGirls, will hold a Scotch hop the Holyoke Canoe club tonight.

Norman Temple and his orchestra will play for. dancing. Patrons and patronesses will include Mr and Drs Edwin Brook. Mr and Drs Herbert Tower, Mr and Drs William Garwood. Mr O.

.1. Everhardt, Mr and ter and Mrs Ernest luhe, Mrs Charles, Wield. Mr. and Mrs WalMr and Drs D. E.

Brass, Mrs Ethel Sheldon, Mrs Jennie Hosmer and Miss Sanderson. Miss Agnes Brass is honorary chairman and Miss Mary Ruhe is chairman. Assisting them are Misses Frances West, Isabella Tulloch, Helen Mamas. Helen MeCombe, Shirley Merry, Doris Sheldon and Eunice Chaffee. O.

The marriage of Aliss Dorothy New. ton Rist. daughter of Mr and Org Christian A. Rist of Wenonah road, Longmeadow, and William Mead Burrows, son. of Dr and Drs Henry C.

Burrows of Exeter, N. will take place this afternoon at 3.30 at First church. Longmeadow. Mrs Charles H. Koch of Windsor, roommate of the bride at Wheaton college, will matron of honor, and the bridewill include three other classmates.

Miss Elizabeth Lakin of Taunton, Diss Elizabeth Brown bridge and Miss Virginia Adams of Keene. N. H. Miss Ruth McCoy of Providence, who taught 'at Duxbury high school with Miss Rist, will also be a bridemaid. George A.

Burrows of Exeter will attend his brother as best man. and the ushers will be Owen Burrows of Worcester, another brother: Arthur Cushing Rist of Longmeadow. brother of the bride, Dr Henry Colony and Dr Douglas Sultor of this All Saints' guild will serve a summer savings luncheon at the parish house Tuesday afternoon at 1. Cards will follow. To Be Feted at Tea Before Leaving City (Photo by Movers Studio) MISS GENEVA D.

BARROWS Miss Geneva -M. Barrows, who resigned recently as director of Springtield Girl Scouts and will leave October 1 to do graduate work at the New York School of Social Work will be farewell guest tea of honor the home Wednesday of at Sirs Garry deN. Hough, of 143 Farmington avenue, Longmeadow. Mrs William H. l'endleton of Westford circle heads the; committee making arrangements.

Marriage Intentions Recently Married At Mount Carmel (Photo by Meyer) OURS HARRY CARNEVALE Mrs Harry Carnevale, whose marriage took place recently at Mount Carmel church, is the former Diss Anbeli Maggi, daughter of Dr. und Mrs Primo Maggi of Home street. PARK CONGREGATIONAL SILVER TEA IS HELD Harmony group of the Women's guild of Park Congregational church sponsored a silver tea and sale of home-cooked foods and fancy articles yesterday afternoon at the guild rooms. Urs Herbert H. Deck and Mrs George R.

Sibley poured. Mrs Ray. mond D. Jordan and Mrs Howard C. Leech had charge of the tea table arrangements, and assisting in serving were Misses Eleanor.

Jean Foskit, Dora Elwell and a Luraine Fitch. Mrs William G. Foskit, group leader, had charge of a musical program. of. Mrs B.

A. Cratsley. W. S. The committee for.

the sale consisted a Simpson and Mrs E. R. Hathaway. Mrs James C. Atwater was publicity chairman.

EAST SPRINGFIELD Rehearsals will begin Tuesday night for a three-act farce, "The Whole Town's Talking," which will be presented early in November by the rection of Raymond Mermet. The Westinghouse Players cos under the dicast will meet in the Westinghouse ditorium semiweekly on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Drs Clyde Abbott of St James boulevard will entertain members of the D. D. B.

club at her home Wednesday night. The club opened its third successive season recently with a meeting at the home of Mrs Louis Fulton of Eddy street. Prizes in the play of cards were won by Mrs Thomas Smith, Mrs George Clark and Drs Perley Avery. Dr and Drs Clarence Bulger of San Miguel street have left for 1 weekend visit with relatives in Malone, N. Y.

"Jesus's unknown friends" will be the morning service at Liberty subject of tomorrow's scrimon at Methodist church by the pastor, Rev Herbert T. Coontz. Members of the Horn group of the Women's AllSociety sponsored a public card party in the church hall last night. Dr. Earl Vinie, pastor of East Con- INDOOR and OUTDOOR GARDENS by Jane Leslie Kift SOME LESS-COMMON WINTER-TIME BULBS Even though we are potting a few hyacinths, tulips and daffodils to lend color to our window gardens in the winter when the days are short and gray.

We should also try to add a few of the newer bulbs to our window gardens. Perhaps, I should we can get then, for the bulb dealers, ahake be no their bulbs heads this and fall, tell while us the Holland Bulb Growers' association tells us: the bulbs may be A week late but we will have them. or course there will always be a few American bulbs, but we grow so few in this country compared with the number that are annually planted. Some bulbs which are not new to of these bulbs can be coaxed tea to bloom the growers may new us. Many between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Ixia, or African corn lily, comes to us from Cape of Good Hore. which is also the home of the freesia. While the bulb 1s primarily for indoor culture, it usually does well in 3 coldframe, provided the frame is well drained. The flowers of the ixia are of most brilliant, rich and varied hues, Including yellow, pink, carmine, scarlet, orange and even blue and white. In fact, if you have a window of African corn lilies you can usually And all the tints and tones of the rainbow.

These bulbs require about the same treatment as do the freesias. They do well in any light. rich soil, preferably a composite of loam and leafmold, some sand and well-decomposed cow manure or bonemeal. Cover the bulbs with only an inch of soil. Remember that they like pienty of fresh nir and water.

A temperature of. 33 'to GO degrees will he quite warm enough for them. After Dowering, water should graduTally be withheld. When the foliage 4 vi: gregational church, will preach at tomorrow morning's service to be held church at 10.45. Music will be in sung by the older girls' choir the charge of Miss Helen Perkins, organist.

Services at James's Episcopal church will be held tomorrow morning at 11 in charge of vicar, LIlwyn Nichols. Mr and Mrs Roy Horner of Ardmore street have purchased the lehor residence on Edendale street wand plan to take possession October 1. Mrs Fred Jones of: Santa Barbara street entertained at bridge at her home recently for benefit of group 5 of East church guild, with prizes for high scores going to Mrs William E. Nokes, Mrs Andrew A. Phillips land Mrs Frank Disco.

This was the first of a series of benefit parties to be at the homes of members semimonthly. Mrs Clarence Bulger of San Miguel street was hostess to this week's meeting of the Nynofus club when bridge and whist were in play. Winners of high score prizes were Mrs Elmer: Grundstrom and Drs Max Kreiger. Supper wAS served by the hostess in the late evening. The next meeting will be held Wednesday night with Mrs.

Kreiger at: her home on Melville avenue. The Arst meeting of the season for members of the Tenigan club will be held Wednesday night with Mrs Leo Gaudreau of Savoy avenue as 1 covered-dish supper will be served at 6.30, with bridge to follow. PLAN EFFORT TO CURB OFFCOLOR STAGE ACTS The Springfield Motion Picture council at a meeting yesterday morning it the Women's clubhouse decided to cooperate more closely with the local policewomen in keeping oh. jectionable stage shows from this city. The council voted to admit individual as well as club memberships.

antra club amended also conaidered and its will bylaws adopt them at the next meeting on October 18. Upon their adoption, the club will vote the temporary slate of officers, headed by Dirs Alfred Converse. into office. Mrs Converse presided at the mnecting this morning and announced that the annual tea of the council would he held on the afternoon of December 6 at 2.30 at the Women's clubhouse. The first broadcast sponsored by the council was held yesterday at 1.30.

over IV MAS when Drs Samiel Goidell was interviewed by Ethel Henin. Drs Goidell reviewed some of the leading pictures and told of the aims of the council, which is to keep the public informed in regard to the movies: to support the best moving pictures and to promote notion picture appreciation and study clubs. It is planned to hold a similar broadcast every Friday at the same time, 1.30. Mrs Fred Stephenson will be the next speaker. An invitation to members of the council to attend a new theater appreciation group in the College club was extended at the meeting yesterduy.

The new group has compiled a bibliography on movies and the theater. Miss Louise Mace will be speaker at the first meeting of the group this fall. TO CARE FOR CHILD REFUGEES Huntington, W. Sept. The 116th convention of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows decided today to open I.

0. 0. F. orphanages, wherever feasible, to child refugees from European war. Heretofore, only orphaned children of Odd Fellows were eligible for admission to the order's 63 homes.

Mr. and Drs William Oliver and daughter, Catherine. of Ralph street have returned home after visiting Drs Oliver's parents at Providence. Henry L. Sandy, son of Mr.

and Mrs Henry L. Sandy of Lois street, is recuperating at his home from an appendicitis operation at Springfield hospital recently. Miss Dorothy E. Perkins has named her sister, Gladys, as maid of honor October 3, when she becomes the bride of Lester George Hastings, son of Mr and Drs Lester Hustings of Crittenden street. Misses Ruth and Muriel Perking will serve their sister AS bridemaids.

The ceremony will be held at Bay street Methodist church. Menus Of The Day Mrs. Alesander George- 3. There doesn't have to be a Serving Three Breakfast Chilled Orange Juice Cooked Wheat Cercal Cream Scrambled Eggs Buttered Toast Coffee Luncheon Grilled Cheese Bars Bettina Tea Soft Molasses Cookies Pears Tea Dinner Eaked Beans and Boston Brown Bread Head Lettuce Russian Coffce Dressing Prune Dessert Soft Molasses Cookies (Good with a glass of milk or buttermilk) cup fat teaspoon cloves 2-: cup dark teaspoon vanilla brown sugar CUD buttermilk: rup molasses cups flour. PEg teaspoon soda teaspoon salt teaspoon baking teaspoon ginger: powder chopped cinnamon (optional Cream the fat and sugar.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix Chill the dough for an hour or longer. onto portioned baking sheet. Bake 10 Drop from the tip of a minutes in a moderate oven. (330 degrees.) Molasses burns casily so care. fully watch cookies during their baking.

Turn the baking pan to allow even baking. Russian Dressing cup tomato 1 teaspoon salt Juice 15 teaspoon. dry cup chili sauce mustard cup catsup. teaspoon paprika cup vinegar cup granulated tablespoons lemon sugar juice cup salad oil Place ingredients in a bottle or jar. Cover tightly and shake one minute.

Chill, shake well and serve, over vegetable salad. This dressing will keep a month, it tightly covered and stored in the re. frigerator. ahead public Statler day TOWELS TO HEAD MOTHERS OF AMERICAN SONS Mrs Arthur D. Lynn Reelected President Dr Hugo Thompson Talks On Current U.

S. Problems Airs Arthur D. Lynn was reelected president of the Mothers of American Sons at the annual meeting yesterday afternoon: at Memorial hall. Other officers elected were: Vice-president, Mrs Ruby Lanckton; second vicepresident, Mrs Louis Behan; third vice- Mrs R. H.

Sackett; recording secretary, Mrs Robert Miller, and treasurer, Mrs Ralph Stedman, The speaker's platform was shared with Mrs Lynn by Dr. Hugo Thompson of Springfield college, who told the gathering that the hope of the American people lies in electing independent congressmen. He said that sooner or later a choice will have to be made between remaining a aloof from European battlefields and aiding Great Britain. This country may also have to decide whether. it will maintain its traditional diplomatic independence or become a world military power and whether to build a democratic way of life or maintain and perpetuate the general imperialist structure.

Dr Thompson added. Mrs Lynn warned that there is great danger that this country will be dragged into the European conflict. "The people of the United she said, "have a right to know just what we are preparing for and to demand that when our boys are called to give their all to their country that they have adequate care, facilities and supplies to insure their health and well-being." She then quoted from a letter saying that facilities at a Wisconsin National guard camp are meager and that pneumonia. dysentry and typhoid have swept through it. PINE POINT Rev Dr John R.

Lewis. pastor of Union church, announces that church school classes for all departments will mect tomorrow morning at Worship service will be at 10.40 with the MANICURE (Revlon) like Just it. the Only. way you Reduced from 50c LEO'S Beauty Shop 284 Bridge Dial 3-3830 sermon subject modern parable from Nature." A special meeting of the executive board of the Senior Christian Endeavor society will be held at 6.30 tomorrow We preceding the regular meeting. Wednesday at 1.30 a dessert bridge and whist party will be held at the guild rooms with Mrs Joseph A.

Ethier of Hood street as chairman. Thursday at 2.30 a delegation from Union church will meet with the Hampden County Council of Congregational Women: at Hope church. Mrs Fred: Alan McDonald has chosen was her subject for tomorrow at Harvey ex Street church, "Personality plus." Church school will be held at 9.15. Lay Vicar Howard A. Weaver will conduct the service of prayers and the sermon tomorrow morning at the 11 o'clock service.

Dr and Drs Stanley Sturgis of Jasper street will entertain Mr. Sturgis's mother, Mrs Howard Sturgis of Worcester, for the coming week. Drs Conrad Russell, president of the Dorman school will open her home on Marsden street Tuesday night to the membership committee. Drs Joseph A. Ethier, chairman, will have the assistance of Mrs Richard Beddow and Mrs Robert Elder In the coming campaign.

Thrifty Savings Is thrift important to you? If so, you'll approve our policy of fine quality and reasonable prices. D. R. Sullivan's features thrifty buys cvery day. It Thrifty tor Buy Furniture at D.

R. SULLIVAN'S 1196 State Phone 6-4613 Near Muse. Mutual BUDGET TERMS--FREE PARKING Home Furnishings To Cherish For the discriminating who seeks furniture and rugs of lastina quality. Proctor-Carnig features a full line of furnishings styled to please various tastes priced to meet any budget! Buy your furnishings from the house which merits your complete confidence where you receive, not just seemingly "big bargains" that gleam while new, but values that keep their charm and prove their economy as time goes on. See for yourself our wide variety of furniture and rugs--and the 11 model rooms, completely furnished.

I PROCTOR- CARNIG 31 Hillman St. Tel. 4-6451 becomes yellow, remove the bulbs and keep them in a dry place for replanting, the next fall. recent introductions we have the interesting orinthogalum. Orintho lumn thyrsoides is the varicty whic.

is the most popular. Perhaps you can remember the common nanie more easily than the Latin name, which is rather impossible for the amateur. Darling chincherichee is at least euphonious. This bulb is also foreigner, coming to us from South Africa. It is very to force pot of these bulbs in a sunny window.

The flowers are white and each pointed spike carries from 30 to 40 large, well-formed. pure white flowers in a heavy, pointed truss. Darling chincherichce attain. a hight of from one and one -half to two feet. Tritonia crocata.

Prince of Orange, also sometimes called orange ixia is ensy to grow and bears most beautiful orange dowers. The plant which montes it very desirable for the grows about. 10 inches tall, window ledge. Sparaxis (wandflower) is a brilliant-colored bulbous plant, which may be started any time from October until December. Plant Hive or six bulbs in a five-inch pot.

using light but fairly rich soil. After planting plunge the pots in ashes out of doors or. in your coldframe. When leaves appear they will be ready to bring indoors. Be sure to keep the pots in the sun and to give them plenty of water.

Next- to Inquiries. All readers' questions on grow Ing and care of indoor and outdoor flowers and: tions for social functions will ho answered by Dr Rift. directly in 1hi3 column If addressed in care of this men paver, or directly to readers a self-addressed. three. cent stamped envelope is sup.

plied. EYEGLASSES LAT LOW PRICES 50 You large LOW will turnover PRICES be and made AMAZED our own possible AT by optical THE 4 WEEK laboratory. BROKEN LENSES REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT AT LOW PRICES 660 MAIN ST. CITY DENTISTS 23-.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.