Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


She wants to make friends and join in conversations but know how. no help. I had the same problem at her age.) Her dad and I tell her high school will be easier, but she want to wait. Do you have some- thing that might help her? Mom of an Outsider in Missouri Dear Mom: By the time seventh grade rolls around, have usually solidi- and the members are not generous about admitting outsiders. I agree that things will improve when your daughter gets into high school.

As freshmen, every- one starts out on equal footing, and be- cause classes are larger and students are funneling in from other schools, more opportunity to meet new people. I speak from experience. I was excluded when I moved to a new school in seventh grade, and I know how it felt. The subject of social dexterity has been in my column before because read- ers of all ages ask about it. important to understand that few individuals are born socially adept.

a skill that must be learned, then polished until it be- comes second nature. The keys to being liked are simple: Be kind. Be honest. Be tactful. a compliment but only if deserved.

Be well groomed, tastefully dressed and conscious of your posture. individuals stand tall. Anoth- er useful icebreaker is to ask others what they think and be open to listening to their opinions. I publish a booklet, To Be Pop- for people of all ages. It contains many other useful tips for polishing so- cial skills.

You can order one for your daughter by sending your name and ad- dress, plus a check or money order for $8 (U.S. funds), to: Dear Abby Popularity Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price. Some people are anxious socially be- cause they become so focused on their own insecurities, it distracts them from reaching out.

The solution to that is: Concentrate on the OTHER person. If your daughter tries it, she will that it works. Dear Abby: I overheard a co-worker telling another co-worker she buys clothes, hides the tags, then returns them after she wears them. She said she avoids wearing perfume so the clothes She also pays cash. In my opinion, this is a form of stealing.

Your thoughts? Working With a Thief Dear Working: I agree with you. While there is nothing you can do about it, it may comfort you to know that when this happens repeatedly, some stores re- fuse to sell more items to the perpetrator. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, aka Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother Pauline Phillips. Contact Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Middle schooler it hard to make new friends CELEBRITY CIPHER LUIS CAMPOS an opening-lead problem eas- ier, I would hope, than Look at the West cards and the bidding. Pick your lead against four spades. At the table, West banked on his dia- mond sequence; he led the jack. Declar- er won in dummy and led a trump to his queen, losing to the king. He won the next diamond, drew trumps and forced out the ace of hearts.

West led a club to ace, and South claimed, making four. If West had regarded the bidding, he might have found the best defense. Since North-South had bid and raised hearts before veering into spades, East was marked with at most two hearts. Setting trick West should lead a low heart, or per- haps the ace and a low heart. When he takes the king of trumps, he gives East a heart and the ace of clubs wins the setting trick.

two spades was a daisy-pick- ing call that deserved to lose. South had little reason to show his spades; if he simply jumps to four hearts instead, he will make that contract easily. Daily question You hold: A 9 8 7 4 A 6 7. The dealer, at your right, opens three diamonds. Your side is vulnerable.

What do you say? Answer: This problem is taxing. You must act. If you overcall three hearts, you may play at hearts when a better trump suit is available at spades. If you double, partner may respond in clubs, and you may miss a 5-3 heart More- over, 3NT may be your best spot. I would double, but any action could work best.

South dealer E-W vulnerable BRIDGE FRANK STEWART Pick your lead wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at Daily Bridge Club Wednesday, September 14, 2022 an opening-lead problem easier, I would hope, than Look at the West cards and the bidding. Pick your lead against four spades. At the table, West banked on his diamond sequence; he led the jack. Declarer won in dummy and led a trump to his queen, losing to the king. He won the next diamond, drew trumps and forced out the ace of hearts.

West led a club to ace, and South claimed, making four. If West had regarded the bidding, he might have found the st defense. Since North-South had bid and raised hearts before veering into spades, East was marked with at most two hearts. SETTING TRICK West should lead a low heart, or perhaps the ace and a low heart. When he takes the king of trumps, he gives East a heart ruff, and the ace of clubs wins the setting trick.

two spades was a daisy- picking call that deserved to lose. South had little reason to show his spades; if he simply jumps to four hearts instead, he will make that contract easily. DAILY QUESTION You hold: A 9 8 7 4 A 6 7. The dealer, at your right, opens three diamonds. Your side is vulnerable.

What do you say? ANSWER: This problem is taxing. You must act. If you overcall three hearts, you may play at hearts when a better trump suit is available at spades. If you double, partner may respond in clubs, and you may miss a 5-3 heart fit. Moreover, 3NT may be your best spot.

I would double, but any action could work best. South dealer E-W vulnerable NORTH 8 6 5 3 10 9 4 3 2 6 WEST EAST 4 10 7 2 A 5 2 6 3 10 9 7 8 5 10 5 2 A 9 8 4 3 SOUTH A 9 8 7 4 A 6 7 South West North East 1 Pass 2 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 All Pass Opening lead Choose it Tribune Content Agency, LLC Pick your lead By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Boggle BrainBusters Bonus INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word.

Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words. MA I OW 9-14-22 BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 2022 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.

YOUR BOGGLE RATING BOGGLE POINT SCALE 3 letters 1 point 4 letters 2 points 5 letters 3 points 6 letters 4 points 7 letters 6 points 8 letters 10 points letters 15 points hamp 101- 150 xpert 61 -1 00 ro 31 60 Gamer 21 30 Rookie 11 20 A mateur 0 10 ry a gain Find AT LEAST FOUR PLANETS in the grid of letters. Answers to Boggle BrainBusters: CHINA INDIA CHILE HAITI MALTA JAPAN INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word cr ing out common words. BOGGLE BRAINBUSTERS 2D FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 THE DES MOINES REGISTER Fo a a Fi ld a lu it a il im a a a ComiCs ChallenGer King Features syndicate Linus Maurer ansWer to PreVious PuZZle 12 minutes 17 seconds Fill each square with a number, one through nine.

Horizontal squares should add to totals on right. Vertical squares should add to totals on bottom. diagonal squares through center should add to totals in upper and lower right. there may be more than one solution. try to beat challenge time: aries (march 21-april 19).

decide to go forward, thinking that even the worst-case scenario will be manageable to you. Once made your decision, start envisioning only the best outcomes you can dream. taurus (april 20-may 20). People who can only see things one way, their own, should be easy to predict. if you think they will throw a wrench in the efforts, waste time with them.

choose supportive company. Gemini (may 21-June 21). Wondering why not there yet? Maybe there is no only resolving to the best of your ability. as you apply yourself to your present environment, you are the embodiment of a key unlocking your own fate. CanCer (June 22-July 22).

if not finding the cool arrangement you want, only because up to you to make it happen. it is well within your ability to put this together, or, if necessary, invent it. leo (July 23-aug. 22). the goal is the same, but your motivation has shifted, begging the question, badly do you really want you can change the intensity of your appetite by focusing more or less on it.

VirGo (aug. 23-sept. 22). your sense of responsibility extends further than most. you always feel like driving the bus, but do it in a heartbeat if the person behind the wheel seem competent.

liBra (sept. 23-oct. 23). your worldview is unique and ever- changing. enjoy learning what others see, and this broadens your capacity and knowledge.

Wisdom cannot be achieved alone. sCorPio (oct. 24-nov. 21). the classic story structure has something to teach us all if not careful: pride goeth before the fall.

be afraid to pursue your ambition, but do it with humility. saGittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21). not a favorable time to open the arena to outsiders.

you need a hero to save the day, especially not one who as familiar with as you are. Let the day evolve with the original team. CaPriCorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19).

When you choose to fight, you also choose destruction. a decision to create or educate is a decision to build. right for one time is wrong for another time. What will best serve the current situation? aQuarius (Jan. 20-Feb.

18). if things are mostly agreeable, you are wise to go along. nitpicking is for another day a day when paid to deliver detail-oriented work. PisCes (Feb. 19-march 20).

the stronger move is actually the softer move, too. it takes fortitude to forgive and security to be compassionate. the weak find it difficult to nurture others as you do now. Ju a dear abby: I have been married for nearly 10 years. I guess I never noticed this while we were dating, but as our marriage has progressed, becoming increasingly apparent a complete He calls her constantly with updates (some prefer she know about) and invites her over fre- quently without consulting me.

I have tried to gently express that sometimes a bit much (espe- cially because he tells her things before he tells me), but he becomes defensive and accuses me of not liking her. It help that his father died five years ago, leaving her a rather young widow. I feel his protectiveness over her has acceler- ated because he fears she will be alone too much. My mother-in-law is a nice person, but I need my space. After work, I want to come home and spend time with my husband and children with- out another person always being there.

It has reached the point that starting to resent her, and not fair to her. Please help. Crowded In Wisconsin dear Crowded: right, it fair that you are aiming your resentment at your mother-in- law. The person who should be the target of your displeasure is your husband. I assume you have already tried communicating to him the legiti- mate complaints you listed in your letter.

It may require help from a marriage counselor to get him to understand that you dislike his mother, but that certain things between a husband and wife should remain private. Yes, she is his mother, but com- mon courtesy would dictate that the two of you agree about how often you will come home after a hard work to find her sitting there. DEAR ABBY is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 dear aBBy Jeanne PHiLLiPs horosCoPes creatOrs syndicate Goren on BridGe tribune cOntent bOb JOnes Mother-in-law is a constant presence in space The Weak no-trump, showing a range of 12-14 points, has many advocates around the world.

Here in North America, we live in a strong no-trump where the opening shows 15-17 points. The weak version is known, and has some supporters, but they represent a small number of players. deal was brought to our attention by Florida expert Jim Sternberg. He was West, playing with the late Bernie Chazen. Weak no-trumpers have run-out schemes, some quite elaborate, which they trot out when it looks like their no-trump range is getting them into trouble.

Had North-South been able to scramble into a two-heart contract, it is quite likely that they could have gotten out for down two. That would be a small price to pay against the cold game available to East- West. One no-trump doubled, however, did not fare well. Sternberg led the ace of diamonds, saw a discouraging card from partner, and shifted to a low club. East won with his king and returned a diamond to the 10 and jack.

A club to ace and another diamond saw the defense take the first eight tricks in the minor suits. East discarded all three of his hearts, so Sternberg shifted to the queen of spades and five spade tricks followed. One no-trump doubled, down seven, for 1700 points and a story to tell forever!.

Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


Is Chambersburg, Pennsylvania a good place to live? ›

Chambersburg is a pleasant area to live and work in. It is a larger town in PA so there is a diverse range of good and bad within the town. It is very easy to commute and walk within the town, there are larger city-like areas that offer plenty of real estate and job opportunities.

What are some fun facts about Chambersburg PA? ›

Chambersburg's settlement began in 1730, when water mills were built at Conococheague Creek and Falling Spring Creek. The town developed on both sides of these creeks. Its history includes episodes relating to the French and Indian War, the Whiskey Rebellion, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, and the Civil War.

How was Chambersburg PA involved in the Civil War? ›

Chambersburg, the seat of Franklin County with a population of about 5,000, had been occupied twice previously during the Civil War—in October 1862 by J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry and in June 1863 by Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

Who is the founder of Chambersburg PA? ›

Benjamin Chambers's great-uncle [?], the more famous Colonel Benjamin Chambers (1708-1788), founded the town of Chambersburg, Pa.; his son, Colonel James Chambers (1744-1805), commanded the noted First Pennsylvania Regiment.

What is the race population in Chambersburg PA? ›

Chambersburg Demographics

White: 74.25% Black or African American: 9.54% Two or more races: 7.74% Other race: 5.54%

What is the sister city of Chambersburg PA? ›

Sister City - Gotemba, Japan.

Is Chambersburg a small town? ›

Situated as the County Seat of Franklin County, Chambersburg is a large and diverse community. Sometimes dealing with city issues, Chambersburg Borough still maintains a small-town quality of life.

When was Chambersburg burnt? ›

Riding through the night, two brigades of Confederate cavalrymen reached the outskirts of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, about 3 a.m. on July 30th, 1864.

What Civil War site was near Chambersburg PA? ›

Thirty-seven miles south of Chambersburg, Union and Confederate forces clashed at the Battle of Antietam, near Sharpsburg, the first battle on Union territory. About 400 of the wounded were transported by Cumberland Valley Railroad cars to Chambersburg for care in makeshift hospitals.

What is Chambersburg, PA famous for? ›

What is Chambersburg, PA known for? - Quora. Chambersburg is known for three things- it is historically significant as a site of an American Civil War battle peripheral to Gettysburg. Secondly, it is a major infrastructural hub, with a CSX terminal and several freight yards.

How old is Chambersburg? ›

The seat of Franklin County, Chambersburg (population 17,961) was founded in 1764 and was originally settled in 1730 by the Chambers brothers, who chose this point at the confluence of the Conococheaque Creek and Falling Spring as the location for their gristmill and sawmill.

Is Chambersburg, PA in the mountains? ›

About Chambersburg

The town is next to the Appalachian Mountains and sits right outside of Caledonia State Park, which includes a section of the Appalachian Trail.


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