30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (2024)

Sometimes the best way to measure a unit is not from your experiences but from your opponents. After asking my brother post game if he felt I was better off with a extra Possessed brick or the Haarken Raptor brick I got a rather blunt "If you had used the extra Possessed squad I'd have refused to play you." 30 Possessed it was then.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (1)
CSM meet Ork threat head on in the largest brawl I've ever been in with over 100 models fighting or dying in combat this turn.

So for you following the blog for the last two events - this was the tournament I was building towards a team event with my Fire and Dice mates. On our team we had myself, Denis and Byron (all from the same event last year with same armies) Doug who had captained our B team last year and captained us this year (although I nearly ended up captain despite a 4-1 vote in Dougs favour, which in election season would have seemed like an excellent reflection of the recent political climate) and Peter. I hadn't met Peter before and upon meeting him he described himself as a long time follower of Slaanesh (as in a follower of excess) and showed his devotion over the course of two nights at the hotel getting worryingly close to trying all the food on the menu and drinking the bar clean of bottled ciders.

Back on the 40k side - Denis and Byron with Necrons and Deamons were two easy early lock ins - both long time players and faction experts. This did leave us with the slight issue that Peter was also naturally a demon player and ended up taking TS - party due to easy access, partly as we hoped to shield them in bad match ups and push big scores in favourable ones. With two Chaos lists taken I went between DG and CSM - either way the idea was to take a brawler style list to go head to head with the likes of Orks and Necrons fighting over the middle of the field. Up until the recent balance dataslate DG had the edge but after rediscovering my love of Possessed the extra damage potential from CSM won me over to use as an anti-stat check type of army. Doug rounded us off with Grey Knights giving us a very different style to our other lists.

As for me - I wanted Brawlers that could take on 3 things in particular - Ork Meganobz/Boyz and Necron Wraiths which had let me on the path to Possessed as none of the above could clear them with any great efficiency and 3 units of 10 made up the bulk unit of the list - the last unit replacing the Raptors + Haarken I had in my GT winning list. I went with two Undivided units to make use of the re-roll wound strat to combo with their dev wounds and one Slaanesh unit to give me a more mobile threat. Behind them 3 Nurgle Vindicators and a Predator lurked behind to try and soften up anything that the Possessed couldn't easily with (C'Tan/units with damage reduction were the hope that the tanks could just power through them via weight of dice. The rest of the units were all small trade pieces to screen/provide action monkey and murder small units. Literally the last add was the Master of Possession - partly for his synergy with Slaanesh Possessed to make them quicker/more durable, mostly because I needed a HQ and given how lacklustre he is in the new Codex felt like a good excuse to have one last run with his 'good' rule still in effect. The CSM book was released on the day of the tournament it used the Index and with 30 Possessed/MoP all getting worse in the book felt like a really good excuse to give them a send off. List in full below:

Last march of the Possessed (2000 points)

Chaos Space Marines

Strike Force (2000 points)

Slaves to Darkness


Master of Possession (80 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• Warlord

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Rite of Possession

1x Staff of possession


Cultist Mob (50 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

• 1x Cultist Champion

• 1x Autopistol

1x Brutal assault weapon

• 9x Chaos Cultist

• 9x Autopistol

9x Brutal assault weapon

Legionaries (80 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Aspiring Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Plasma pistol

• 4x Legionary

• 2x Astartes chainsword

4x Bolt pistol

4x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Lascannon

Legionaries (80 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Aspiring Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Plasma pistol

• 4x Legionary

• 2x Astartes chainsword

4x Bolt pistol

4x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Lascannon

Legionaries (80 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Aspiring Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Plasma pistol

• 4x Legionary

• 2x Astartes chainsword

4x Bolt pistol

4x Close combat weapon

1x Heavy melee weapon

1x Lascannon


Chaos Predator Destructor (130 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Combi-weapon

1x Havoc launcher

2x Lascannon

1x Predator autocannon

Chaos Vindicator (175 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Combi-weapon

1x Demolisher cannon

1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Vindicator (175 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Combi-weapon

1x Demolisher cannon

1x Havoc launcher

Chaos Vindicator (175 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Combi-weapon

1x Demolisher cannon

1x Havoc launcher

Possessed (260 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Possessed Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Hideous mutations

• 9x Possessed

• 9x Hideous mutations

Possessed (260 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided

• 1x Possessed Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Hideous mutations

• 9x Possessed

• 9x Hideous mutations

Possessed (260 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Chaos Undivided

• 1x Possessed Champion

• 1x Chaos Icon

1x Hideous mutations

• 9x Possessed

• 9x Hideous mutations

Raptors (85 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Raptor Champion

• 1x Plasma pistol

1x Power fist

• 4x Raptor

• 2x Astartes chainsword

2x Bolt pistol

2x Close combat weapon

2x Meltagun

Warp Talons (110 points)

• Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

• 1x Warp Talon Champion

• 1x Warp claws

• 4x Warp Talon

• 4x Warp claws

(Minor aside - I meant to have Cultists as the ranged option with Flamer/Grenade/Stubber and autoguns but I kept switching them in/out and forgot to re-add the weapon. Its was a shame less than ideal, but given I felt if I ever really felt that I needed a heavy stubber Cultists to claw back into the game, it was probably already too late to come back into the game.)

Round 1 v The B Staff - Scorched Earth/Chilling Rain/Dawn of War

Opponents team had Orks, Necrons, Leagues of Votaan, Salamender and Adepta Sororitas. I most wanted to go into Orks/Necron but only wanted to avoid the Votaan list - as much as anything due to unfamiliarity with it. As such with only one bad I got put forward as defender and ended up choosing to go into Sisters (think Salamender or Votaan was other option.) My damage doesn't line up well into Sisters, but the Sisters list didn't seem like it had enough damage to deal with my Possessed. Rest of the match ups went (Ours team v B Staff)

Grey Knights v Orks

Thousand Sons v Necrons

Necrons v League of Votaan

Chaos Daemons v Salamanders

Opponent - Belle Davies - Adepta Sororitas

For May (1990 Points)

Adepta Sororitas

Hallowed Martyrs

Strike Force (2000 Points)


Dialogus (30 Points)

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Dialogus staff

Imagifier (60 Points)

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Boltgun

1x Close combat weapon

• Enhancements: Litanies of Faith

Junith Eruita (90 Points)

• 1x Mace of Castigation

1x Twin Ministorum heavy flamer

Morvenn Vahl (145 Points)

• Warlord

• 1x Fidelis

1x Lance of Illumination

1x Paragon missile launcher

Palatine (75 Points)

• 1x Palatine blade

1x Plasma pistol

• Enhancements: Blade of Saint Ellynor


Battle Sisters Squad (100 Points)

• 1x Sister Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Combi-weapon

1x Power weapon

• 9x Battle Sister

• 1x Artificer-crafted storm bolter

1x Artificer-crafted storm bolter

9x Bolt pistol

7x Boltgun

9x Close combat weapon

1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Battle Sisters Squad (100 Points)

• 1x Sister Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Combi-weapon

1x Power weapon

• 9x Battle Sister

• 9x Bolt pistol

7x Boltgun

9x Close combat weapon

1x Meltagun

1x Multi-melta

1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Battle Sisters Squad (100 Points)

• 1x Sister Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Chainsword

1x Close combat weapon

1x Combi-weapon

• 9x Battle Sister

• 9x Bolt pistol

7x Boltgun

9x Close combat weapon

1x Ministorum flamer

1x Ministorum heavy flamer

1x Simulacrum Imperialis


Immolator (115 Points)

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Heavy bolter

1x Hunter-killer missile

1x Twin multi-melta

Immolator (115 Points)

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Heavy bolter

1x Hunter-killer missile

1x Twin multi-melta


Castigator (140 Points)

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Castigator battle cannon

3x Heavy bolter

1x Hunter-killer missile

1x Storm bolter

Dominion Squad (110 Points)

• 1x Dominion Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Plasma pistol

1x Power weapon

• 9x Dominion

• 9x Bolt pistol

5x Boltgun

9x Close combat weapon

4x Meltagun

1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Dominion Squad (110 Points)

• 1x Dominion Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Close combat weapon

1x Ministorum hand flamer

1x Power weapon

• 9x Dominion

• 9x Bolt pistol

5x Boltgun

9x Close combat weapon

4x Ministorum flamer

1x Simulacrum Imperialis

Exorcist (180 Points)

• 1x Armoured tracks

1x Exorcist missile launcher

1x Heavy bolter

1x Hunter-killer missile

Mortifiers (55 Points)

• 2x Heavy bolter

1x Twin penitent buzz-blades

Mortifiers (55 Points)

• 2x Heavy bolter

1x Twin penitent buzz-blades

Paragon Warsuits (170 Points)

• 1x Paragon Superior

• 1x Bolt pistol

1x Heavy bolter

1x Paragon storm bolters

1x Paragon war blade

• 2x Paragon

• 2x Bolt pistol

2x Multi-melta

2x Paragon storm bolters

2x Paragon war blade

Penitent Engines (55 Points)

• 1x Penitent flamers

1x Twin penitent buzz-blades

Penitent Engines (55 Points)

• 1x Penitent flamers

1x Twin penitent buzz-blades

Seraphim Squad (70 Points)

• 1x Seraphim Superior

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Plasma pistol

1x Power weapon

• 4x Seraphim

• 4x Bolt pistol

4x Close combat weapon

4x Ministorum hand flamer

Zephyrim Squad (60 Points)

• 1x Zephyrim Superior

• 1x Plasma pistol

1x Power weapon

1x Sacred Banner

• 4x Zephyrim

• 4x Bolt pistol

4x Power weapon

My Secondaries - Assassinate/Bring it Down

Opponents Secondaries - Tactical

Pregame thoughts - So the plan could be described in one word - Violence. As if the secondary plan didn't give it away. It was absolute all in rush aggression game plan, nothing subtle or otherwise with this one. Belle putVahl'sunit in reverse and as such there wasn't much on the board I had to worry about threatening a Possessed blob. Combined with winning first turn roll and a forgiving primary it was simple - move up aggressively and murder any Sister unit that dared to get into the middle.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (2)
CSM deployment - Possessed squad in each ruin with few extra units opposite objective 5 on the given its easiest for Sisters to hide on.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (3)
Right of Sisters deployment with few Suits in the open to contest objective T1.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (4)
CSM reserves - withVahlin reserve for Sisters plan was to keep Vindicator back until she arrive and counter attack her.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (5)
Left side of battlefield as Sisters start scouting up - I'd wanted to go second to have end game scoring on my side but going first did lean into the "more violence" game plan. Only long range shooting Sisters had was in Castigors on right flank so could use the centre ruins to hide Vindicator and place it in a more aggressive position.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (6)
Left side of Sisters deployment.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (7)
I advance and charge Warp Talons into a Seraphim squad. They lose a couple to Pact/Overwatch but take them the Seraphim and consolidate into the Immolater to keep it pinned back.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (8)
Possessed try a long charge into Dominion squad that scouted up but can't manage it as they stage for next turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (9)
Vindicators blast a couple of walkers apart to cap a reasonable turn for CSM.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (10)
Sisters start to move up to counter CSM advances, Castigor deals 9 damage to its corrupted twin as Predator takes some early blows.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (11)
Warp Talons are taken out by Palatine, whilst Mortifier charges the Possessed but they take the already injured machine out in combat easily enough and slingshot upfield a little.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (12)
On the left flank Penitent engine takes out 2 Possessed via tank shock and attacks the Legionnaires.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (13)
CSM had taken the Sisters punch and dealt a similar damage back in Sisters turn and I'm now in position to attack.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (14)
On the right flank Possessed charge in and murder the Palatine's squad (who can't come back as Sisters are out of CP.) Sisters pull of a nice trick, using a miracle dice to deliberately fail a save against MoP's bolt pistol and shooting back with meltaguns.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (15)
Possessed take the fight to Sisters home objective leaving only Junith on the objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (16)
The Dominion squad had taken the objective, but Possessed take it back for CSM. I'd had to keep the Legionnaire squad still to respect the overwatch and planned to charge them in if Possessed failed to charge/had left space for them.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (17)
Immolator is tagged again as Battle Sisters take only a couple of attacks from Possessed and survive undamaged.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (18)
Situation on Sisters home objective is very precarious as Sisters are denied any primary points.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (19)
Overview of centre right side of battlefield going into Sisters turn 2.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (20)
Sisters fall back from the Possessed, however they can't do much damage with their remaining firepower or contest the objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (21)
Vahl'ssquad enters the fray and unleashes its Melta into the Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (22)
Zepherim teleport into my backfield - I hadn't screened (again, going all aggression) but they fail their charge into the cultists.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (23)
Possessed take a battering, mostly reduced to molten slag by various Multi-melta shots...

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (24)
....but there's another Possesed squad mostly unhamred and all CSM tanks are alive.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (25)
Overview of battlefield going into CSM turn 3.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (26)
Blurry shot - my outflanking Vindicator can't line up onVahlso comes back to attack Zepherim instead.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (27)
CSM have complete control of midboard and prepare to keep attacking.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (28)
Possessed keep fighting on the right corner

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (29)
Legionnaires take out the battle sisters that tried to contest the objective on the right flank.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (30)
Possessed kill Junith (she revives via miracle dice.) Raptors move and start burning the objective - I learnt later they actually need to be within 1 of the objective itself, not within 3 so they shouldn't be able to burn it, but end up being killed regardless before completing it.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (31)
Vindicators mostly focus on shooting upfield taking out Vahl (who also ressurects) and Zepherim only take a few shots. Cultists charge in to deal with them as they've already sticked the objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (32)
Sisters still around on the back left flank so Possessed charge in.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (33)
For the only time in weekend Cultists kill a model as they make their most of their time in the sun!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (34)
Overview of battlefield going into Sisters turn 3.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (35)
Sisters only exist in their deployment zone with CSM firmly entrenched in the middle.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (36)
Shot from right side of deployment.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (37)
Resurrected Sisters characters move in to deal with Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (38)
Its a slog for the Slaanesh Possessed to get through the tank but they keep chipping away at it and the battle Sisters.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (39)
Possessed in the middle are exterminated as Valh takes a measure of revenge.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (40)
But Possessed clear out the Sisters left flank in response.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (41)
On the right Possessed still fighting but its a battle Sisters can't win.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (42)
CSM turn 4 - I can't get to Sisters objective so I stage for next turn. If they leave the objective/charge the Possessed 3 Vindicators will blast intoVahl.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (43)
Possessed clear up the right flank and I start to burn an objective midfield.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (44)
Sisters hide away in the their turn. Possessed move up, burn the objective and various tanks manage to table Sisters and end the game.

Final Score - CSM win 100 - 25, teams differential 20-0.

Postgame thoughts - Well I wanted to bring violence and I certainly managed that. Sisters managed a few tricks but couldn't deal enough damage to stop Possessed running around with Sisters only managing a single primary score over the game perhaps the best way to highlight the game with most of battle fought around the edge of the Sisters deployment line if not behind it. Excellent to start the event with a big win.

Rest of team results went well as we ended up winning 78-22 winners on differential with 4 wins and a draw.

Round 2 v Low Expectations - Purge the Foe, Chilling Rain, Crucible of Battle

Opponents team was Necrons, Aeldari, Grey Knights, League of Votaan and Thousand Sons. My ideal match up was Necrons, but did want to avoid LoV/TS and not great into Aeldari and ended up with my neutral pick of Grey Knights. The other matches were

Grey Knights v Necrons

Thousand Sons v Aeldari

Necrons v Leagues of Votann

Demons v Thousand Sons.

Opponent - Alex Watson's Grey Knights

It's raining men! Hallelujah!

It's raining men! Amen!

I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get

Absolutely soaking wet!

It's raining men! Hallelujah!

It's raining men! Every specimen!

Tall, blonde, dark and lean

Rough and tough and strong and mean

(2000 Points)

Grey Knights

Teleport Strike Force

Strike Force (2000 Points)


Brotherhood Librarian (120 Points)

• 1x Combi-weapon

1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Purge Soul

Brotherhood Librarian (120 Points)

• 1x Combi-weapon

1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Purge Soul

Brotherhood Librarian (120 Points)

• 1x Combi-weapon

1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Purge Soul

Kaldor Draigo (125 Points)

• Warlord

• 1x Scourging

1x Storm bolter

1x The Titansword


Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 Points)

• 1x Terminator Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Brotherhood Terminator

• 1x Ancient’s Banner

1x Incinerator

1x Narthecium

4x Nemesis force weapon

2x Storm bolter

Brotherhood Terminator Squad (210 Points)

• 1x Terminator Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Brotherhood Terminator

• 1x Ancient’s Banner

1x Incinerator

1x Narthecium

4x Nemesis force weapon

2x Storm bolter

Strike Squad (120 Points)

• 1x Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Grey Knight

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Incinerator

3x Nemesis force weapon

3x Storm bolter


Interceptor Squad (130 Points)

• 1x Interceptor Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Interceptor

• 4x Nemesis force weapon

4x Storm bolter

Nemesis Dreadknight (195 Points)

• 1x Heavy incinerator

1x Heavy psycannon

1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (195 Points)

• 1x Heavy incinerator

1x Heavy psycannon

1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Nemesis Dreadknight (195 Points)

• 1x Heavy incinerator

1x Heavy psycannon

1x Nemesis daemon greathammer

Purgation Squad (130 Points)

• 1x Purgator Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Purgator

• 4x Close combat weapon

4x Incinerator

Purgation Squad (130 Points)

• 1x Purgator Justicar

• 1x Nemesis force weapon

1x Storm bolter

• 4x Purgator

• 4x Close combat weapon

4x Incinerator

My Secondaries - Tactical

Opponents Secondaries - Tactical

Pregame thoughts: So some interesting pro/cons here. On the positive side - nothing on Grey Knights side can stand head on to a Possessed charge, Grey Knight is a match up I'm very familiar with and my tanks are excellent as taking out Dreadknights even if they use Truesliver armour. On the downside - at a massive mobility disadvantage as always playing Grey Knights, its hard to build up much of a primary lead on the mission, Heavy Psycannons are a great profile for dealing with Possessed and they should have an edge on secondaries. Plan was similarish to Sisters (violence in midfield, stop primary) but with knowledge that I couldn't be as reckless - have to try and bait out Mists and try and allow myself a plan B if my planned/ideal charge target teleports away.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (45)
Reserves for both sides - it was going to be easier having angles to shoot Dreadnights from reserve and I wanted options for secondaries so 2 Vindicators, Raptors and Legionnaire all off the table.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (46)
I'd have rather gone second, but failing that its back to aggresive stance with Possessed heading for each objective (Slaanesh unit on right going for one thats harder to see for my tanks.)
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (47)
GK deployment means no early damage, but I do score some awkward positional secondaries. As they don't have any big guns on table happy to be abit reckless with my advances and try and start a brawl as early as possible in the middle.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (48)
I drew investigate signals so moved my Cultists towards the corner and forgot to screen against T1 deepstrike...so Grey Knights take the chance to teleport across to my objective. I had a spare unit of Legionnaires just beyond the wall doing nothing who should have screen them out.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (49)
Grey Knights move up to attack the Slaanesh Possessed squad.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (50)
Draigo teleports in to help deal with Possessed with his nasty antideamon 2+ attacks.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (51)
Possessed take a double charge - they end up losing enough to the terminators + Dreigo that the Inceptors can't get to attack and take a terminator out in response.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (52)
CSM turn - the blue Undivided Possessed move up able to charge a Librarian (who Mists away) and Interceptors, so whichever does go they always have a charge target. The Green squad at the top moves up to threaten GK home objective. I can't match Grey Knights mobility, but I can threaten the saftey of anything that might pop onto an objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (53)
Typically the MoP's shooting is irrelevant- but against Grey Knights its very useful. He softened up Dreigo with Precision attack and the blue Possessed Squad ended up charging in and exactly killed him.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (54)
My tanks move back and take out a couple of terminators on my objective, Legionnaires charge in to take out last one or two to ensure its safety.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (55)
However I can't screen out the backfield and more GK's teleport in

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (56)
With their own backfield under pressure 2 Dreadknights teleport back to sure up GK lines.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (57)
Legionnaire unit is torn apart, as is a Vindicators to the Librarians MW output but the GK fail their charges (including a re-roll) and Cultists hold the objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (58)
GK leave the midboard alone and focus on either deployment zone.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (59)
Lose a couple of Possessed to shooting but they still remain a threat going into CSM turn 3.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (60)
Reinforcements arrive for CSM. I don't give GK any chance to mists away and the tanks take out the Dreadknight and both Librarians.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (61)
Not much happening in midfield as I secure the objectives and the Green Possessed squad push upfield.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (62)
Sadly they take a nasty overwatch and can't take out the Grandmaster as a result which rather ends my chances of taking GK's home objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (63)
GK turn 3 - they teleport into my deployment again and try to start taking out my Vindicator.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (64)
Cultists held there ground admirably last turn, but are repulsed from the objective easily enough in this.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (65)
Possessed slowly ground out by the DK.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (66)
DK fails its charge after softening the tank up with some shooting.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (67)
CSM turn four as remaining tanks start to line up shots.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (68)
Pretty poor turn for CSM - Vindicators only scratch the DK abit, and in the end the only unit killed is a Librarian from a Warp Talon charge.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (69)
Middle is devoid of fighting- I shuffle a few units between objectives, score lots of primary and a few secondaries.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (70)
GK on my objective prove annoyingly stubborn only losing two. Predator charges in, killing 2 from tank shock and having a real crack of dislodging the last one but it survives (denying me overwhelming force.)

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (71)
GK can't contest the middle, but keep scoring around the edges proving annoying to stop.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (72)
GK keep popping up behind my lines!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (73)
Finally some action in the middle as GK charge onto my objective. Raptors fall back (using a strat to be able to shoot) and plant a teleport homer in GK deployment zone.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (74)
"Hows the battle going?" "Yeah ok just chilling on the objective without a GK in sight over here."

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (75)
DK make a charge from DS to nab some late primary.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (76)
GK only have two models left by the end but both DK's have scraped hard and kept points ticking over for GK.

Final score - 98 -70 win for CSM 15-5 teams differential.

Postgame thoughts: Teams kept this a very interesting game. Broadly my plan worked - got an early brawl in the midfield and dominated the middle dealing some very heavy early blows to Grey Knights and got myself in a position to win the game. However from their Grey Knights took their early blows, learned there lessons and just scrapped. Were-as the Sisters game broadly happened in their deployment, this game mostly happened in mine after the initial hammer blow Grey Knights took. What this meant was even after it was obvious I was going to win and I kept scoring well, Grey Knights were able to stem the bleeding and keep points ticking over in a way I struggled to stop as they clawed back the differential slowly - not enough to threaten the win, but enough to keep things in check for the team.

Team results - Thankfully Grey Knights limiting differential didn't matter much - Denis pulled out a 20-0 v Votaan and Doug's Grey Knights also scored a 15-5 win. Byron's Demon lost a close game 8-12 whilst Peter sadly lost 20-0 v Aeldari - not helped by his Vortex beast blowing up turn 1 and dealing 24 mortal wounds to his army via deadly demise. Still we pulled out a 58-42 score overall to take the win.

Round 3 v Warmasters A - Priority Targets, Hidden Supplies, Search and Destroy

Fun fact - at same event last year we also had ended up playing Warmasters A in round 3. So up against Tau, Sisters, Grey Knights, Blood Angels and Orks. I very much wanted to get Orks which we managed to arrange, whilst feeling ok about most of the rest - although given the forgiving primary I didn't want to play the GK list on this mission and BA's fight on death did make me much more scared of the fight than I initially thought I would be. Rest of pairings were:

Grey Knights v Tau

Necrons v Sisters

Chaos Demons v Grey Knights

Thousand Sons v Blood Angels (none of us really wanted to fight BA, TS getting tossed to the wolfs and hoping to make up difference elsewhere.)

Opponent: Niklas Ek's Orks

backwiththeboysaga.in (2000 points)


Strike Force (2000 points)

Green Tide


Boss Snikrot (85 points)

• 1x Mork’s Teeth

1x Slugga

Painboy (70 points)

• 1x Power klaw

1x ’Urty syringe

Painboy (70 points)

• 1x Power klaw

1x ’Urty syringe

Painboy (70 points)

• 1x Power klaw

1x ’Urty syringe

Warboss (65 points)

• 1x Attack squig

1x Kombi-weapon

1x Power klaw

1x Twin sluggas

Warboss (65 points)

• 1x Attack squig

1x Kombi-weapon

1x Power klaw

1x Twin sluggas

Warboss (65 points)

• Warlord

• 1x Attack squig

1x Kombi-weapon

1x Power klaw

1x Twin sluggas

Weirdboy (55 points)

• 1x Weirdboy staff

1x ’Eadbanger

Weirdboy (70 points)

• 1x Weirdboy staff

1x ’Eadbanger

• Enhancement: Bloodthirsty Belligerence


Boyz (170 points)

• 19x Boy

• 17x Choppa

2x Close combat weapon

2x Rokkit launcha

17x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Boyz (170 points)

• 19x Boy

• 17x Choppa

2x Close combat weapon

2x Rokkit launcha

17x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Boyz (170 points)

• 19x Boy

• 17x Choppa

2x Close combat weapon

2x Rokkit launcha

17x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Boyz (170 points)

• 19x Boy

• 17x Choppa

2x Close combat weapon

2x Rokkit launcha

17x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Boyz (170 points)

• 19x Boy

• 17x Choppa

2x Close combat weapon

2x Rokkit launcha

17x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga


Battlewagon (160 points)

• 2x Big shoota

1x Deff rolla

1x Grabbin’ klaw

1x Lobba

1x Wreckin’ ball

1x ’Ard Case

Gretchin (40 points)

• 10x Gretchin

• 10x Close combat weapon

10x Grot blasta

• 1x Runtherd

• 1x Runtherd tools

1x Slugga

Kommandos (135 points)

• 1x Bomb Squig

1x Distraction Grot

• 9x Kommando

• 1x Breacha ram

1x Burna

7x Choppa

1x Close combat weapon

7x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Stormboyz (65 points)

• 4x Stormboy

• 4x Choppa

4x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Stormboyz (65 points)

• 4x Stormboy

• 4x Choppa

4x Slugga

• 1x Boss Nob

• 1x Power klaw

1x Slugga

Warbikers (70 points)

• 2x Warbiker

• 2x Close combat weapon

2x Twin dakkagun

• 1x Boss Nob on Warbike

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Power klaw

1x Twin dakkagun

My Secondaries - Tactical

Opponents Secondaries - Tactical

Pregame thoughts - So up against Green Tide on forgiving primary. I still wanted to be aggressive - I was going to need to need all the damage I could throw at Orks as early as possible to push through. I don't need much incentive to be aggressive - but especially when Orks started deploying somewhat conservatively I was happy to put my army on the line to try and contest the objective right from the start. This is also were the difference in teams and singles really took effect, Orks had a defensive posture and were happy to settle for a 10-10 draw whereas given some of the other match ups I felt the need to push and take some risks to try and force a differential.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (77)
I put the further right Vindicator down early and Orks were very respectful of it keeping back which allowed me to deploy the rest of army aggressively to the line again.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (78)
Ork deployment huddled against the walls hiding back.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (79)
Orks win first turn, move up some bikers and a few units around the side and thats turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (80)
Battlewagon moves up against the wall, not the most exciting turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (81)
CSM turn 1 - so in a singles enviroment I'd throw forward the Legionaires, maybe move up Predator to get some shots on bikers and call it a day. But I want to push differential, so I take a different route.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (82)
Turn one and the first brawl breaks out. Warp Talons move up to attack the Kommandos (yellow rings) and maybe get assassinate and are heroically intervened by the white squad. Possessed had move up to charge bikers, but end up counter charging the white squad (having to use a CP re-roll to make it in.)

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (83)
Possessed take out a chunk of flesh and Warp Talons take our Kommandos, but Snikrot lives. The Boyz and Snikrot take out the Warp Talons in response.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (84)
Possessed had move up without a screen on the right flank, Orks call the Waaaagh and Orange squad advances from the battlewagon.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (85)
White squad falls back as Red squad and Stormboyz move up. Well I was getting that brawl I wanted.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (86)
Orks teleport to the left flank and line up a charge into Legionnaires

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (87)
Ork turn 2 after charge before fight phase.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (88)
70-odd Orks of various types smash into CSM lines.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (89)
At this stage was certainly wondering if mistakes were made with the course chosen!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (90)
Orange squad takes a hefty chunk out the Possessed, Legionnaire tank the Stormboyz charge well enough and take most of them in response.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (91)
Green Possessed get a chance to interrupt against Red squad and tear a hefty chunk out of them.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (92)
Unsurprisingly the Boyz overrun the Legionnaires and tag the Vindicator. In my turn I fall back, allow the Vindicator to shoot via strat and unleash 3 Vindicators worth of firepower into the squad killing all the Boyz but leaving the Characters alive.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (93)
CSM turn 2 - the blue Possessed squad go in to try and rescue their Slaanesh brethren from Orange squad.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (94)
Green Possessed squad keep fighting their way through the red Boyz squad leaving only the Warboss alive, who sadly is the only model doing any real damage to them!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (95)
Orks turn 3 as White boyz squad comes back to the fray.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (96)
Orange squad had taken a the Possessed charge well and the battlewagon came in to join the fray.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (97)
The Wagon did virtually no damage, but kept 5 Possessed busy for the turn who did manage to kill it.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (98)
Possessed and Boyz continue to battle it out as the Warboss smashes its way through most of the Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (99)
Warboss charges the Vindicator, it doesn't do much damage and is blown away in my turn but keeps me pinned back.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (100)
Its been an absolutely mad scrap for the middle, but the Undivded Possessed finally free themselves up and look to go after the Boyz unit (then threaten the Orks home objective) but the Boyz bloodsurge in and the wall means neither side can attack much, pinning the Possessed in place.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (101)
Legionnaires come in from reserve but I can't get on the objective for primary.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (102)
The scrap has been brutal but Orks have taken a hell of a pounding and Vindicators clear up the middle. 18ish Boyz fighting the Possessed from behind the wall teleport away

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (103)
Sadly we were scrambling for time here and I didn't get many shots of the last Boyz unit making a unholy neuscence of itself!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (104)
Last ork turn, and they draw Capture enemry outpost as the Boyz unit teleports in, makes its charge and I can't dislodge them.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (105)
Grots at the back cower as Possessed make a last ditch charge to do likewise back to Orks but can't make the 9 inch charge as the bloodbath finally ends.

Final Score - 91 80 win for CSM - teams differential 12 - 8

Postgame thoughts - Well if Orks are the dominent megagame force at least the games will be fun. Always great to have a midboard fight, and boy(z) did that happen. Compared to the last Ork list I underestimated the damage the Warboss's brought and it felt for awhile that Orks were going to win the midfield brawl and I had been over aggressive. However that started to change and I started to establish some level of dominance in the midboard and Niklas managed to find ways to slow me down. This was where the difference between singles and teams shone, in singles I'd have been delighted here and happy to shut up shop, instead the last Boyz squad managed to make a huge pain of itself and with the the last teleport/charge allowing for late game primary, denial and capture enemy outpost as the worst time for me it caused a 3 point swing in differential which looked at one stage like it was going to be the difference between the two teams. Very happy to great the win in a brutal scrap, some regret that I couldn't push the differential more but Orks played well to stop that.

Teams result - Byron's Demons managed a huge win over Grey Knights whilst Tau and Grey Knights fought to the slimmest of wins for Tau. BA ran over TS but we at least managed to score a few points - however Sisters absolutely ran through Necrons 20-0 them to everyone's surprise (Denis 's dice refused to roll any 4+ saves) meaning Warmasters took the round 58-42.

Round 4 - Probable Caws - Scorched Earth, Chilling Rain, Crucible of Battle.

Up against Black Templars, World Eaters, Drukari, Death Guard and Adeptus Custodes. I wanted to avoid Black Templars Ironstorm as they did have the guns to really threaten me. My ideal match ups were World Easter/Custodes and maybe DG as they didn't have the guns to clear me and whilst both sides had some nasty combat threats I had enough screens and ranged damage to have threats in multiple phases whilst mitigating theirs. In the end I got paired into Drukari - not my worst match up, not my preferred either.

The rest of the matches

Grey Knights v Black Templars

Necrons v World Eaters

Chaos Daemons v Death Guard

Thousand Sons v Adeptus Custodes.

Opponent - Darren Chapman

Kabal of the Final Breath. (2000 points)


Strike Force (2000 points)

Realspace Raiders


Archon (75 points)

• Warlord

• 1x Blast pistol

1x Huskblade

Beastmaster (105 points)

• 1x Beastmaster

• 1x Agoniser

1x Splinter pods

• 1x Clawed Fiend

• 1x Clawed Fiend fists

• 2x Khymerae

• 2x Khymerae talons

• 3x Razorwing Flock

• 3x Razorwing feathers

Lelith Hesperax (85 points)

• 1x Lelith’s blades


Kabalite Warriors (110 points)

• 1x Sybarite

• 1x Phantasm grenade launcher

1x Splinter rifle

1x Sybarite weapon

• 9x Kabalite Warrior

• 1x Blaster

9x Close combat weapon

1x Dark lance

1x Shredder

1x Splinter cannon

5x Splinter rifle

Kabalite Warriors (110 points)

• 1x Sybarite

• 1x Phantasm grenade launcher

1x Splinter rifle

1x Sybarite weapon

• 9x Kabalite Warrior

• 1x Blaster

9x Close combat weapon

1x Dark lance

1x Shredder

1x Splinter cannon

5x Splinter rifle

Wyches (90 points)

• 1x Hekatrix

• 1x Blast pistol

1x Hekatarii blade

1x Phantasm grenade launcher

• 9x Wych

• 9x Hekatarii blade

9x Splinter pistol


Venom (70 points)

• 1x Bladevanes

1x Splinter cannon

1x Splinter cannon


Court of the Archon (85 points)

• 1x Lhamaean

• 1x Shaimeshi blade

• 1x Medusae

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Eyeburst

• 1x Sslyth

• 1x Shardcarbine

1x Splinter pistol

1x Sslyth battle-blade

• 1x Ur-ghul

• 1x Ur-ghul talons

Cronos (100 points)

• 2x Cronos

• 2x Spirit syphon

2x Spirit vortex

2x Spirit-leech tentacles

Cronos (50 points)

• 1x Spirit syphon

1x Spirit vortex

1x Spirit-leech tentacles

Mandrakes (65 points)

• 1x Nightfiend

• 1x Baleblast

1x Glimmersteel blade

• 4x Mandrake

• 4x Baleblast

4x Glimmersteel blade

Mandrakes (65 points)

• 1x Nightfiend

• 1x Baleblast

1x Glimmersteel blade

• 4x Mandrake

• 4x Baleblast

4x Glimmersteel blade

Reavers (60 points)

• 1x Arena Champion

• 1x Agoniser

1x Bladevanes

1x Cluster caltrops

1x Heat lance

1x Splinter pistol

• 2x Reaver

• 2x Bladevanes

2x Splinter pistol

2x Splinter rifle

Reavers (60 points)

• 1x Arena Champion

• 1x Agoniser

1x Bladevanes

1x Cluster caltrops

1x Heat lance

1x Splinter pistol

• 2x Reaver

• 2x Bladevanes

2x Splinter pistol

2x Splinter rifle

Reavers (60 points)

• 1x Arena Champion

• 1x Agoniser

1x Bladevanes

1x Cluster caltrops

1x Heat lance

1x Splinter pistol

• 2x Reaver

• 2x Bladevanes

2x Splinter pistol

2x Splinter rifle

Scourges (110 points)

• 1x Solarite

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Shardcarbine

1x Solarite weapon

• 4x Scourge

• 4x Close combat weapon

4x Drukhari haywire blaster

Scourges (110 points)

• 1x Solarite

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Shardcarbine

1x Solarite weapon

• 4x Scourge

• 4x Close combat weapon

4x Dark lance

Scourges (110 points)

• 1x Solarite

• 1x Close combat weapon

1x Shardcarbine

1x Solarite weapon

• 4x Scourge

• 4x Close combat weapon

4x Dark lance

Talos (160 points)

• 2x Talos

• 2x Talos gauntlet

2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster

2x Twin liquifier gun

Talos (160 points)

• 2x Talos

• 2x Talos gauntlet

2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster

2x Twin liquifier gun

Talos (160 points)

• 2x Talos

• 2x Talos gauntlet

2x Twin Drukhari haywire blaster

2x Twin liquifier gun

My Secondaries - Tactical

Opponents Secondaries - Tactical

Pregame thoughts - So initially confident about this, despite not having played against Drukari this edition. This was the fourth mission (and final) were you could only score 10 on primary so I really needed to target the bottom right objective to stop Drukari from being able to score primary and getting a lead on secondary. Drukari's haywire/Lances were a threat to my tanks, which I needed to be wary of otherwise I didn't really rate their output into Possessed (this wasn't correct) so I wanted to keep with my aggressive pushing plan.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (106)
CSM deployment - similar to other games one squad of Possessed as close as they can be to the 'shielded' objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (107)
Again want some secondary options so Raptors + Legionnaire unit in reserve and Vindicator for counter attack/trying to fish out Drukari from extra angles.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (108)
Drukari deployment - Talos/Cronos in the open rest hiding away (or prepared to scout away.)

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (109)
Reverse shot of Drukari home objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (110)
I had wanted to go second in every game so far, sadly won the roll off for turn one. Vidicator/Preadtor picks up two Talon as Legionnaires advance and charge into Mandrakes before consolidating back towards objective.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (111)
Drukari move up in response with Chronos on either flank they could use their pain tokens aggressively helped by the fact they couldn't seem to roll less a fail on regenerating them!
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (112)
On the south flank Reavers and Talos move up to challenge Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (113)
Drukari worried about Nurgle strat making my tanks lone opp so push Scourges up. As it turns out I'm so hungry for CP in this list I didn't end up using it once at the tournament.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (114)
Warrior squad, Court and Archon tear apart Legionnaire unit.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (115)
I was warned pregame about Lelith but still wasn't that worried. When she dealt 17 damage (before saves.) That was the moment when I realised I had been too aggressive.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (116)
Beastmaster squad rips through Warp Talons to take my objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (117)
Cronos consolidate up as Scourges fire and fade forwards to Screen against blue Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (118)
CSM position going into turn 2.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (119)
Decision time for blue Possessed - I can take out the Scourges and Wytches or go for longer Charge into Talon. In the end I decide Lilith is the bigger threat so go into the 3 squishier targets.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (120)
Archon's unit behind the wall has fights first, thankfully there isn't much space to base the Chronos so I charge it, can only base with a couple and get to pile into the Archon's unit and hit them.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (121)
I managed to kill the Drukari units around bottom of shot (save one Scourge) and all the Warriors in the Archon's unit but the Chronos, Archon and Court all survive denying my area denial draw.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (122)
Talos are a big threat to Possessed and are essentially untouched going into Drukari turn 2.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (123)
Drukari move much quicker than CSM, which is why you can make out the CSM tanks clearly, but not the speedy Drukari units.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (124)
Talos start lining up Possessed as Drukari surge back into the middle.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (125)
Things suddenly go very wrong when a Scourge unit split fires into my tanks and kills the Predator and a Vindicator that would have been at top left of shot in a single salvo. It was learning towards this anyway, but this was the moment I switched from a 'lets kill Drukari' game plan to 'lets scrap for every point at the expense of damage' game plan.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (126)
Archon's unit falls back to allow Venom + Warriors to unleash a bunch of anti-infantry shots into Possessed and Raptors - softening up the later in particular.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (127)
Big moment to keep in the game - I was ahead on primary but had drawn some horror secondaries early on. The Legionaries in shot had rapid ingress 9 away from the bikers, then after I drew Capture enemy outpost I advanced and charged onto the objective clearing it of Mandrakes (also stopping Drukari secondary options.)

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (128)
Possessed battle court of the Archon, just about holding the middle.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (129)
Possessed and Vindicator clear the objective of Talos, but another wave approaches.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (130)
Time was running out - so struggled to get photo's from here (Blasted through rounds 3 + 4 in about 5 mins each as we tried to finish.) Drukari move up to claim the central objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (131)
Scourges and bikers combined to take out my Legionaries - although they need to overwatch me in my turn to finish them off after Legionaries kill Reavers in combat.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (132)
Last shot I have of the game - Drukari turn 3 and we rushed through round 4. Drukari take the middle, the Legionaries at the top of shot on objective run to far side of objective and Drukari run and charge onto it but can't claim it.

Final result victorious draw for CSM's 58 v Drukari 56s - teams differential 10 - 10

Postgame - So first up disclaimer, we only manged to get 4 turns in and in singles the winner comes down to whoever draws better secondaries in final turn with Drukari going to struggle on damage ones, whilst I struggle on positional ones (looking at secondaries I think I can score 6/9 left, Drukari 7/9.) From a teams perspective thankfully the extra turn wouldn't have affected the result, although its always nicer getting the victorious side of the draw. I vastly, vastly underestimated how well Drukari could deal with the Possessed. I think seeing Realspace Raiders and judging them on reputation was a horrible start, I didn't even think to question how much anti-infantry keywords Drukari had despite being aware of their poison in past editions. Whilst I probably had more output than Drukari, my profile didn't go as well into them and tricks like Fight First on two units kept me struggling to really connect any meaningful blows, not to mention the screening stopping me from Possessed taking on their Talos and having to tank the charge from them instead instead. It was a real scrap this one - some bad secondary draws put me behind early, my primary difference pushed me back in and we were both running on fumes at the end having taken most of each others list out.

As for the rest of the team Grey Knights destroyed Black Templars - this was a relief seeing this wrap up early on the table next to me as I struggled to push through Drukari. Custodes managed to beat Thousand Sons and Necrons drew with World Eaters and Byron's Deamons win over Death Guard ensured we took the round with a hard fought 56-44 win.

Round 5 v Mega Knob Meta - Take and Hold, Chilling Rain, Take and Hold.

So up against Chaos Knights, Black Templars, Orks, Aeldari and Necrons. I wanted to avoid Black Templars and go into Orks/Necrons with CK as third choice and ended up fighting CK. Rest of match ups were:

Necrons v Black Templars

Grey Knights v Orks

Thousand Sons v Aeldari

Chaos Daemons v Necrons.

Opponent: Peter Duff's Chaos Knights

ARMY NAME: ck.rotting.dogs




DETACHMENT: Traitoris Lance

Rotigus [230pts]

War Dog Stalker [175pts]

- WARLORD, Daemonbreath Spear, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher, Aura of Terror

3x Nurglings [40pts]

War Dog Brigand [170pts]

- Daemonbreath Spear, Avenger Chaincannon, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand [170pts]

- Daemonbreath Spear, Avenger Chaincannon, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand [170pts]

- Daemonbreath Spear, Avenger Chaincannon, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand [170pts]

- Daemonbreath Spear, Avenger Chaincannon, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Brigand [170pts]

- Daemonbreath Spear, Avenger Chaincannon, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore [140pts]

- Reaper Chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore [140pts]

- Reaper Chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore [140pts]

- Reaper Chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore [140pts]

- Reaper Chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

War Dog Karnivore [140pts]

- Reaper Chaintalon, Slaughterclaw, Havoc Multi-launcher

My Secondaries - Fixed (Bring it Down/Deploy Teleport Homers)

Opponents Secondaries - Tactical.

Pregame thoughts - Finally a mission were you can score more than 10 on primary and up against one of the best primary deniers in the game. In retrospect should have paid more attention to this when designing list to have another Raptor/Biker unit instead of a Legionnaire unit to try and score secondaries easier. Wary of Knights ever since fighting their Imperial Counterparts at Beachhead and watching their Meltas carve through my Vindicators. Had to be more defensive than other deployments as a result. Plan was to try and trade away my weaker units to force Knights into the open, screen as best I could against their walking from walls to body block charges into Possessed and use them/Vindicators to trade back into anything that walked onto an objective.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (133)
CSM deployment - Possessed in position to fight over central/right objectives whilst I can throw Warp Talons/Legionnaires at central/left objective if I can second to force a response from CK.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (134)
CK deployment - one 3 CK + Rotigus in deep strike whilst I have a Legionnaires and Raptor unit in. It was probably a mistake not to put a Vindicator in reserve as well.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (135)
CSM win first turn, sending forth Legionnaires and moving Possessed up onto the right of shot objective. They won't hold it if CK move up, but it forces them into the open for Vindicators to take advantage next turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (136)
CK deployment means I can't really take advantage of first turn to do much damage.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (137)
Predator moves up and its Lascannons deal 11 damage to a Brigand otherwise turn is over. One big advantage of going first was that the Cultists could sticky the home objective before they were shot at.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (138)
"Heeeeeeeeeeeerees Karnivorey" CK use their move through walls tricks to emerge from their hiding position.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (139)
CK start moving up - I overwatch with my Vindicator to take out the injured Brigand which helpfully explodes onto another.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (140)
Karnivore tank shocks with its strength 12 weapon... and does a single mortal wound. With d6+2 damage on its attacks I almost don't bother marking it, until it rolls 5 1's hitting/wounding and I pass my sole invul. The Possessed then tear it apart in return.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (141)
Technically this combat goes much better than the other one for CK as they kill a single Warp Talon...the Talons do nothing back but its a horror start for CK.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (142)
I tried not going in all aggro for this one, but after the start I had been given that changed. Now I just want to smash as many Knights as I can as quickly as possible before reserves arrive.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (143)
Undivided Possessed on the right in a position to go and pick a target.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (144)
CSM start moving up - Vindicators each have the potential to kill a War Dog. What I've learnt from them over time is adapting to the low rolls so each target has another tank/Possessed lined up that has options to charge a softened up War Dog if needed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (145)
Legionnaires move in to just take objective and screen out this side of the board.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (146)
Possessed charge in to kill 2 War Dogs - by the end of turn 2 6 War Dogs are dead.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (147)
Overview of battlefield as Peter gives a subtle indication of how the game is going.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (148)
Overview from right side of battlefield - CK are pinned in without any easy way to arrive from reserve.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (149)
At a contest, the game is over already its now about scrapping for points from the CK side. Its about this time that Doug tells me Orks have run his GK's over 20-0 so I need to turn this into a crushing win. CK reinforcement come in to take out Possessed with only Rotigus (who can't fit anywhere useful) left in reserve.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (150)
CK stalker moves up to fight the Possessed on the right flank.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (151)
CK take out most of a Possessed squad but the Stalker that charged the green Possessed squad is killed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (152)
Nice play from a tough position - CK overwatch the Warp Talons and take them out giving them space to Rapid Ingress Rotigus in a relevant place. With the game going well I did play around something crazy happening so moved the blue Possessed back in case any nasty surprises happened putting them in a spot to counter attack Rotigus next turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (153)
Raptors deep strike in CK deployment to score Deploy teleport homers.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (154)
With CK home objective only held by Nurglings/sticky objectives from earlier Possessed charge onto it to deny CK primary.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (155)
Right side of battlefield is beyond CK control. If your wondering why Vindicator at bottom is aiming at nothing they are there to dissuade Rotigus from rapid ingressing in the corner.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (156)
CK turn - 4 mostly injured Wardogs and Rotigus against CSM down chaff and most of a Possessed squad.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (157)
Rotigus charges in and takes out the Predator

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (158)
Walking through walls a Brigand manages to limit Primary for CSM

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (159)
The two Brigands retake the object and shoot Possessed (out of shot behind wall) but have to ignore the Raptor unit.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (160)
Undivided squad here have been whittled down over time but finish off this Wardog in CK turn.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (161)
CK unload their remaining firepower at the Possessed.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (162)
Rotigus had already been softened up by some Vindicator blasts as the Possessed charge in.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (163)
Cultists did nothing but had a very impactful game - holding my objective and despite attracking numerous havoc launcher shots were numerous enough to keep screening out space.
30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (164)
Possessed rip apart Rotigus without too much difficulty - Vindicators had prioritised Knights were the option was available as Possessed had enough damage to deal with Rotigus without their help.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (165)
Green Possessed squad charge in one last time to take out an injured Knight whilst Raptors deploy another teleport homer.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (166)
CK start the turn with two War Dogs left, they make one last play for storm hostile/extend battle lines but fail the charge and the game ends.

Final Score - CSM win 98 - 29 team differential 20-0.

Postgame thoughts - So this went absurdly well out the gate. I had some huge early luck swings, not least taking a single mortal from tank shock from a Karnivore charge into Possessed, and only losing one Warp Talon to another charge. Whilst the Warp Talon one was mostly irrelevant, the Possessed getting a free kill on another just put me in a great position out the game. From there I could turn up the aggression again and keep taking out Knights whilst ensuring any units taken below fighting strength screened the board making sure Knights couldn't get out of their table quarter.

I was aware that Doug's game v Orks had finished even earlier than mine with Orks winning 20-0 so we were level on teams scoring. Finishing early had a chance to look at the other games, we were edging Necrons v BT - we'd hoped to draw it at pairings stage but seeing Aeldari smashing through TS (a single squad of Warp Spiders did a staggering 17 mortals to Magnus in single activation killing him by themselves) and Demons struggling to push through a wall of Necrons bodies we needed some big late swings. Sadly for us BT managed to pull it back to a draw (something we'd have taken at the start but couldn't afford at this stage) and we lost the round 38 - 62.

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (167)
Necrons battle away against Ironstorm next to me as the rest of the team fights in the distance.

So as a team we finished a respectable 23rd out of 72 which was decent enough - we left a little disappointed that we couldn't have closed out a 4-1 which would have felt a lot better with the Warmasters game feeling like a real missed opportunity. We did put ourselves in a position to play top teams which was some consolation - the two losses we had were to 3rd and 5th.

Personally was very happy with how I performed with 4 wins and a victorius draw I finished 22nd out of 351 players. CSM had a very strong showing with 4 players ranked higher than me, and two below that unbeaten (one ranked higher did lose a game but also made the top 2 team cut off so had extra game of scoring that pushed them up.) Skim reading the others they were very different with Abaddon, some big tanks and scoring units broadly and overly simply summarising them.

As for my list - Possessed were awesome and by far and away the best performing unit - which was certainly thankful given I had 30 of them and they worked well with Vindicators in that its hard to find effective answers for both profiles for a lot of lists. Otherwise everything else kinda did its job well to unspectacular - if I ran the list again I'd probably swap a Legionaries unit for Bikers for a little more speed/secondary play (especially if I did the same missions, not checking them properly beforehand was a mistake even if it didn't cost me.)

Rather than look back on the list too much, its more useful to think of the list going forwards with the new book. I'd drop the MoP in a heartbeat here - didn't add much to the list other than some damage v Dreigo and I really don't understand why GW removed the 6+ FNP from an already mediocre unit. At least he's cheap - swapping him for MoE would be my immediate though although if I needed to drop him for a Traitor enforcer and upgrade Raptors to Talons I would.

The detachment changes certainly hurt the list, but mostly in a way that I don't mind getting worse -sustained/lethal's on 5 on an army with re-roll hits from Abaddon isn't a great gameplay experience. The change to Possessed hurts me though. For a reasonably niche competitive pick losing Dev wounds to a once per game option is in isolation fine if you want to reduce the amount of dev wounds...but then it feels like they really should have added an extra ap/strength to compensate (maybe Raiders solves that.) My personal ideal solution would have been Possessed get a anti-infantry/monster/vehicle/character keyword they can't use on the dev wound turn depending on which mark they have, but that might go against the 'simple not simpler' design of 10th for the unit.

Otherwise 30 Possessed don't feel like they are likely to work in the new book - in the detachment with rerolls either a squad of 10 to murder one big thing or squads of 5 to use as one and done trading pieces has some play, but a single Possessed killing a T10 or 2+ save target then feels very toothless after end up as more shock troops than brawlers as there damage outside of their one per game dev wounds is pretty meh. Otherwise I like the idea of them in Fellhammer - every now and again the meta devolves into a 'who-has-the-biggest-guns' shooting gallery that CSM historically struggle in and having a durable fastish option that is hard for small guns to chew through with T6 and big guns having to deal with -1 wound might give us some more play in those metas.

As for the rest of list - its mostly unaffected - although it seems like swapping most of it out for more Warptalons seems like the early winner. Otherwise looking forward to trying something different and can't wait to try Soulforged Warpack and kill my own Forgefiend from Dark Pacting/Hazarding itself to death turn one.

Thanks for reading - until next time!

30 Possessed go unbeaten at the Birmingham Teams Tournament. (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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